Shall We Begin?

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You wake up. First thought that comes to mind is where am I? Immediately after that, your questioning of your surroundings is replaced by internal groans of pain. Your back was killing you and you had a pretty big headache. You turn your head to your right to see your bare arm. Your leather jacket had been removed and you were just wearing a tank top, along with a pair of jeans, that weren't in the best shape. You had a few bruises and some cuts on your bicep that looked like they'd been attended to.

You prop yourself up, wincing a little from the soreness of your body.

"Hey she's awake!" You hear Dean's voice to the left of you where you turn your head. You see the two of them at a table in the corner, their laptops open and papers scattered around the table. Dean gets up from his chair and makes his way over to you, sitting at the end of the bed that you woke up on.

"How ya feelin?" Dean asks you.

You groan a little as you grab your head. "Like I've been hit by a car."

Sam gets up from his chair and walks towards you with a glass of water in one hand and a small bottle of pills in the other. "Here," he hands you the glass of water and rests the pills on the night table to your left. "Take these, they'll help with the pain."

"Thanks." You pick up the bottle of pills and pop two in your mouth, washing it down with a large gulp of water. "What happened after I passed out?"

"We got out of there quick. I carried you to the car and we left," Dean explained.

"Wait, what about my truck?" A look of concern fell over your face. You've had that truck for a long time. A grey, 2005 Ford f150. "Did you guys leave it at the house?"

"No," Sam replied, "I found your keys in your jacket pocket and drove it back here."

"Thank you. Thanks to both of you. I'm not sure what would have happened if you guys hadn't been there." You were very grateful towards the two brothers. If they hadn't have been there you could very well be dead right now.

"Don't mention it," Dean smiles at you as he grabs your foot, giving it a little shake. "After all, you did take out that son of a bitch behind me before you passed out."

"True," you smirk a little before slowly starting to make your way off the bed. "So, what have you guys figured out?"

"What do you mean?" Sam asks you.

"What have you figured out? With the ghost? Have you found out who he is yet?"

"Wait, no you should rest," Sam expresses his concern. "That ghost threw you against the wall pretty hard."

"Yeah, you might have a concussion or something. You should rest," Dean gestures to his brother. "We got this."

"Really?" The brothers only look at you after you question them. You give them a little sarcastic chuckle as you cross your arms around your chest. "So tell me, if either of you were me would you sit this one out?"

The brothers didn't say anything, just exchanged glances before looking back at you.

"That's what I thought," you push your way between the two brothers and head to the table they had been working at. "So, shall we begin?"

To be continued...

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