Burn Baby Burn!

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You, Sam, and Dean reached the entrance of what was once Damien Thorn's house. It technically still was his house, since death didn't stop him from inhabiting it; but it was time to put an end to that. It was time for Damien Thorn to finally let go and move on into the next life. Besides, with the way he spent his life when he was alive and the way he's spending it now as a ghost, the world would definitely be better off without him!

Sam entered the house first, shotgun in hand. You followed behind him, carrying a container of gas in one hand and a container of salt in the other. Your lighter was in your front right pocket. Dean followed closely behind you, also armed with a shotgun.

The three of you quickly but quietly make your way to the basement door.

"Ready?" Sam asks, as he puts his hand on the doorknob.

"Yeah," you reply.

"Let's do this," Dean says. Sam then opens the door, and the three of you make your way down the steps, making sure to move quickly but being careful to pay attention to your surroundings.

Once at the bottom of the stairs, you all pause to take a look around the room. Nothing sets off any alarms.

"The tub," Dean makes note of the tub on the left side of the room. Sam heads for it, and you follow closely behind him with Dean on your tail.

As you approach the tub, you see the crucifix being illuminated by a stray beam of moonlight.

"Here it is," you set the gas down in front of the tub and twist open the cap to the salt. Sam and Dean cover you, readying their shotguns to keep Damien's ghost at bay.

Once you get the cap off, you poor some salt in the tub and over the necklace. You place it back down, but before you can reach for the gas, you felt a chill down your spine.

Dean cocks his shotgun, "we've got company."

You begin to twist the cap off the gas, and just as you get it off, you're suddenly hurled across the room in the opposite direction of the tub. You land on the floor, hard. This was going to be another bruise to add to your collection.

Suddenly you see him. Damien Thorn materializes right in front of you. He picks you up by your neck, high enough that your feet are no longer on the floor. You grab his hand in an attempt to get him off you. Your feet are kicking about and you feel yourself choking. From the corner of your eye, you can see that Dean has moved to the side of you, and he fires a round of salt into Damien Thorn. You drop to the floor and as if on beat, you immediately head back to the tub and pick up the gas container. You poor the gas on top of the necklace and pull your lighter out. Before you can even open your lighter, it's flung right out of your hand. Damien reappears in front of Dean and pushes him hard enough that he falls back into the wall behind him.

BANG! Sam shoots another round of salt into Damien and he disappears. Thinking quickly, Dean reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls out his lighter.

"(Y/N)!" He yells to get your attention and tosses the lighter to you. You quickly open it and start the flame, then toss it into the tub. The necklace quickly catches fire and starts to burn. Damien reappears once again, in the centre of the basement this time. He looks down at his feet. They were on fire and the flames had slowly started to travel up his legs.

Damien screams, "ahhhhhhh!" as the rest of his body is consumed in flames and he disappears, for good this time.

You turn your attention to Dean, who's still on the floor against the wall. "Are you ok?" You ask as you head over to him, and extend your hand to him to help him up.

He grabs your hand and hoists himself up. Brushing the dirt off the sleeves of his jacket he responds "never better. How about you?"

"I'm fine," you say as you rub your neck.

"Sammy got off easy," Dean jokes.

"I'm not complaining," Sam says with a smile.

"Good job team!" You put an inflection in your voice as if you were team captain of a football team.

With that, you, Dean, and Sam head out. Just after grabbing the gas and salt and putting the fire out. Headed back to the impala, you thought about how tonight you'd be able to actually get some rest, knowing Damien Thorn wouldn't be around to hurt anyone else.

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2020 ⏰

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