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It smells really musty in here. This thought crosses your mind as you slowly walk through an old abandoned house. It's dark. The only source of light coming from your flashlight and the dim glow of the moonlight streaming in through windows and holes in the old house.

You see traces of teens and young couples in the house. A few beer bottles, some candles, and graffiti painted the walls. You never understood why teenagers thought it was a good idea to mess around in old houses like these. It's not romantic at all. It stinks of mold, it's dusty as hell and there are probably all kinds of bugs and critters running around. These kids were pretty dumb. And now two of them had gotten themselves killed.

You continue your search. Looking for any information that will help you figure out who this ghost is. You head to the basement, after all, everything creepy is hiding in the basement right?

After looking around for a bit, you hear a noise. What was that? It sounded like the creek of a floorboard. There it was again. You get your shot gun full of rock salt ready. Then you hear talking. It sounds like two men. Was it just other people in the house? It must be. If it were a ghost it would have felt much colder all of a sudden.

You start to hear footsteps at the top of the basement stairs. Crap! You don't have time for this right now! You turn off your flashlight and run over to the stairs and crouch down, shot gun ready in your hands. Rock salt may not kill the guy, but he doesn't know that!

The footsteps start making their way down the stairs. You take a glance. Just one guy. The other one must still be upstairs. He makes it to the bottom of the stairs and takes a few steps into the basement. He's looking around. What's he looking for?

You get up from your crouched position, and quietly walk over to the unidentified man whose back is facing you. You get close, and with the cock of your shotgun, you make him aware of your presence.

"Let's stop right there," the cock of your gun and the stern sound in your voice brings the man to a stand still.

"Now I don't want any trouble, but I'm gonna need you to slowly make your way out of here," you instruct. After all, the job was already dangerous enough as it is, it didn't help to have random explorers popping in that could get hurt.

The man starts to put his hands up and slowly begins to back up.

"That's it, nice and eas-," with one quick and swift movement, the man spins around and knocks your gun out of your hands before you can finish your sentence. The gun flies to the floor and slides across to a corner in the room.

You react fast. Punching the man square in the face. It was hard to see, but that wasn't going to stop you from beating his ass.

He swings at you on your left, but your reaction time is too fast, and you block him. You give him a hard kick in his chest, and send him flying across the room, smashing into a table.

You start to approach him, but before you can reach him, he throws something at you. You duck. When you return to a standing position you feel a blow to your stomach that sends you back down to a crouch.

"Shit!" you exclaim. That hit took a little breath out of you. Before he can do anything else, you sweep your leg across the floor, taking the man's feet out from under him and sending him on his ass.

You hop on top of the guy, straddling his chest and punch him across the face.

"A little help please!" The man yells to the other guy he came in the house with. You give him another punch across the face. You hear footsteps running from the upstairs floor, heading towards the basement.

"Dean?!" The other man shouts his name as he starts heading down the basement stairs. That name stops you from taking another swing.

"Dean?" You try to get a better look at the man you're on top of, but it's too dark to see anything, so you get off the guys chest.

"Who wants to know?"

As you stand up, you take the man by the hand and hoist him upwards. To your right, you can hear the other man approaching, a gun in his hand, pointed at you.

The man you were fighting with and you both stand up into a stream of moonlight peering in from the small basement window. You could finally see each other's faces.



To be continued...

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