Margie Bowman

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There was a strong smell of scented candles in the air as you entered the house of Margie Bowman. It smelt of cinnamon and apples. It was rather eccentric. Plenty of knick-knacks covered the coffee table along with different types of lamps around the room (more lamps than one would think belonged to a room). Your attention was brought to a lime green couch that was paired with a blue chair. The decor was unusual, but hey, at least it was original.

You and the Winchesters take a seat on the lime green couch. Margie was in the kitchen, preparing the lemonade she had offered the three of you upon your arrival. She walked in the living room carrying a tray with four glasses of lemonade. As she extended the tray for the three of you to take a glass, you notice her clothing. Her style was just as different as her interior design. She wore a flower crown made up of orange and yellow flowers, bright hot pink pants, and a yellow poncho.

"So," Margie sits down on the blue chair and crosses her legs, "how can I help the three of you?"

Sam puts down his glass of lemonade on the coffee table in the centre of the room after taking a sip, and answers Margie. "Well we wanted to ask you a few questions pertaining to the murder of Alexa Roberts."

Alexa Roberts was the woman found dead in the basement along with Damien Thorn. According to the police reports Sam found, it was determined that Damien drowned Alexa in a bathtub and then killed himself by slashing his wrists. He also suffered a blow to the head believed to have happened in the likely struggle that Alexa put up in an attempt to save her life.

Margie, who's face had previously looked light and pleasant, suddenly had a change in her vibe at the sound of Alexa Roberts name. "I haven't heard that name in years," she replied as she fiddled with her hands. "Why are you asking about Alexa? The cops closed that case years ago."

"Yes well we're looking into another case right now that seems to be related to Alexa's murder. We were told that you were the last to see her alive. We'd just like to ask you a few questions," Sam replied. There was a bit of a lull in the air. Margie gazed out the window as if she was travelling back in time in her mind. There was a small moment of silence, until Margie returned her focus to the three of you and began to speak.

"I suppose it's about time I spoke the truth about what happened to Alexa that night," Margie straightened her posture and adjusted her flower crown.

"Wait, you know what happened to Alexa the night she was murdered? You were there?" You questioned Margie.

"Yes," she replied as she crossed her hands together over her knee.

Dean chimed in, "What happened?"

"Well, back then, numerous amounts of women were missing, most of them prostitutes which I believe to be the reason why the cops never looked into it that hard. Anyway people talk. Damien Thorn had been seen poking around our corners which was unusual,"

"Why?" Sam interrupted.

"Damien was pretty well known around this town. He was a huge God freak. The type to stand outside abortion clinics and harass anyone and everyone that came in or out of that place. Everyone was a sinner in his eyes. That's why it was strange to see him."

"What was he doing there?" You chime in.

"Sweetheart what do you think?" Margie answered with a hint of sass in her tone. "He was looking to buy. I mean yes it was weird that he'd been seen there every once in a while given his very aggressive religious views, but you'd be surprised by who comes around looking for a hooker."

"So what happened?" Dean asks.

Margie takes a deep breath and continues, "Well, at first it was normal, besides the fact that it was Damien. He approached Alexa asking how much she charges. She told him her rate and he agreed and gestured to his van for them to leave. Margie came up to me before getting in. Told me this was her last job for the night and she'd meet me back at that spot. We were good friends. We always ended the night together."

"So what happened that night?" Dean asks.

"I went off on my own job, but when I came back Alexa wasn't back yet. I thought that was strange because it usually doesn't take that long. I thought maybe there was a problem so I decided to go to Damien's house. Most likely the place he'd bring her back to. When I got there I tried looking in through the windows, then I heard Alexa scream."

Margie pauses for a moment. Collecting her thoughts and wiping a small tear that had spilled over.

"I ran into the house and followed the scream to the basement. When I got down there I saw Damien drowning Alexa in a tub. He kept screaming how she was impure and was holding that damn crucifix necklace in his hand. I think he was drowning her in holy water. Anyway I found a metal bat on the floor and picked it up and hit him over the head with it. I pulled Alexa out of the tub but it was too late. She had already drowned."

You reach into your jacket pocket and pull out a tissue for Margie. More tears were spilling over as she recalled the story for the three of you. She accepted your tissue and wiped her eyes. She sniffled a bit before she continued.

"When I realized it was too late, I checked Damien's pulse. He was passed out on the floor. I didn't feel anything. I knew if I told the cops what happened they would never believe me. I was just a hooker to them. So I dragged Damien's body and threw him in the tub. I picked up a nearby knife on a table cut his wrists with it to make it look like a suicide. Then I ran. I never told anyone what happened."

There was a short moment of silence as you and the boys took in what Margie shared. It was broken by Sam when he asked her a question.

"What happened to the necklace?"

"What?" Margie seemed confused.

"The necklace," Sam continued, "the crucifix you said he was holding. What happened to it?"

"Oh. I threw it in the tub with his body. Is that the only question you have? Am I not being arrested?" Margie seemed to not understand why the three of you hadn't reacted differently. She thought for sure you would bring her in after confessing her secret.

"Yes ma'am that's all we needed. We just wanted to find out the truth. We're not here to cause you any problems." Dean responded. With that, the three of you get up from the lime green couch and begin to make your way to the front door. Margie follows the three of you.

You turn to thank her again for her help, and on that note, you, Dean and Sam leave her home and walk to the impala before discussing what just happened.

"So I guess we know what our object is." Sam starts.

"I'm pretty sure I saw that necklace in the tub when we searched the place." Dean says.

"Awesome," you reply, "let's get over there and put an end to this."

To be continued...

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