Sarah Blanch

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You could see that Sarah looked scared, even before she turned her attention to you and Dean. Her friends were smiling and engaged in conversation, but Sarah seemed far away in her own head. The sight of you two seemed to drain the life out of her even more than she looked before. She stopped walking, her hands were hugging books against her chest and she had a tan coloured purse hanging off her right shoulder. Once she saw that it was you and Dean calling her, she stopped walking. Her friends had turned their attention the the two of you as well.

"We'd like to ask you a few more questions," Dean continued once the two of you had reached an appropriate talking distance, and then flashed her your badges.

"Do you want us to stay Sarah?" One of Sarah's friends had grabbed her shoulder while she offered their support.

"No that's OK," she shook her head and gave a fake smile. "I'll be alright, you guys go on ahead." Her friends nodded at her as they walked past you and Dean. She turned her head back to the two of you. "I've already spoken to the police, and you-" she gestures with her head towards you, "-what else do you guys want?"

"Well we're talking to everyone again," you reply. "Sometimes in events like these, people later remember details about what happened that they couldn't remember before." This could be true, you didn't really know, but it was obvious by her body language that she was hiding something and you'd hoped telling her this would make her more likely to talk.

"Yeah so if you could just go ahead and tell us about that night from the start, we'd really appreciate it. Any new details that you can remember would really help our investigation," Dean says.

Sarah stared at the ground as if she was trying to remember every crack in the pavement, taking some time before she answered. Finally, with a sigh, she began to talk. "I don't really remember anything new. Ricky and Jack thought it would be fun to check out the house at night.  I didn't even want to go, I didn't want to be a fifth wheel, but Alex and Roxy made me-" Sarah was referring to the friends she went out with that night. Alex and Roxy were two of her really good friends, and Ricky and Jack were their boyfriends. "-anyway when we got to the house, it was really creepy."

"Where in the house did you go?" Dean asks.

"All over, but mostly the basement. We all went down their to check it out," she paused. You could see Sarah think about something, something that filled her eyes with fear. After years of doing this job, it was obvious to you and Dean that she knew something she wasn't telling anyone, but the two of you let her finish. "There was a loud noise. We were all pretty scared so we ran and didn't stop till we were on the main road. When we got there, that's when we realized Alex and Roxy weren't with us.

"Did you go back for them?" You ask.

"We figured they just ran somewhere else. It wasn't until the next day when they didn't show up for school that we got worried and called the police. We told them what happened and then they found them in the basement."

"You guys didn't call or text them when you got out of the house?" Dean asked her.

"No, I figured I'd see them at school the next day," she replied.

"See now, I find that hard to believe," you started. "In this day and age you kids are on your phones 24/7, texting each other about the most trivial things. Why wouldn't any of you try to get in contact with them before the night was over?"

Sarah looked away from you and Dean, staring at the books she held in her arms. "I dunno," you could see her toes fidgeting in her shoes. "We just thought they ditched us."

"Sarah. We know there's something you're not telling us. We're gonna need you to tell us what that is, you won't get in trouble." Sarah looks up at Dean, a look of contemplation washes over her face before she looks back down at her books.

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