Black Out

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"What the hells going on?!" Sam shouts. Confusion and frustration fill his voice as he continues to point his gun at you.

"Calm down Sammy, just put the gun down," Dean replies, as he flaps his hand downwards, signaling his brother to take the gun off you.

"Well I'll be damned," Dean turns to face you, "I don't know many photographers who can throw down like the karate kid." He takes his jaw in his hand and cocks it from side to side in an attempt to readjust it, wiping some blood off his lip in the process.

"And I don't know many FBI agents who spend their time in abandoned houses in the middle of the night," you reply, crossing your arms and sitting into your left hip.

"Wait what's going on? Dean who is this?" Sam asks, still confused as to what was happening.

"Well Sammy, this is the girl I met in the bar yesterday."

"The sexy photographer?" Sam squints as he tries to get a better look, then turns on the flashlight he had in his back pocket.

"Ohhh sexy photographer huh?" you say sarcastically, smiling at Dean.

"Sexy and dangerous apparently," he crosses his arms as he looks you over.

"So you're a hunter?" Sam asks. You turn to your right to get a better look at him. He was pretty cute you thought to yourself before answering.

"Yeah I am. I guess you guys are too," you turn back towards Dean. "You know what I should have known you weren't FBI."

"What? Why? I'm a pretty convincing fed if I say so myself."

"I don't know, you look a little rough around the edges. That should have told me. But I guess in a suit and tie you'd be pretty believable. Especially since you've got a pretty face," you chuckle to yourself a little. "Attractive people tend to seem more trustworthy."

Before Dean could reply with what you could only assume would be a cocky remark, judging by the smug look on his face, Sam responded.

"Ha! Not anymore," Sam points at his brothers face. "You messed his face up!" Sam started to chuckle at the bruise forming near Dean's bleeding lip.

"Yeahhh sorry about that. Although it wouldn't have happened if you just left like I instructed."

"Maybe I should have," Dean touches his lip and looks at the blood on his fingers. "You pack quite the punch..." he grabs at his chest and wheezes a little, "...and kick."

"Thanks, I work ou-," you were stopped by the chilling feeling that suddenly plagued the room. As you took a deep breath, you tasted the cold air in the back of your throat, and saw the fog of your breath upon your exhale.

"We've got company," Sam says as he bends down to pick up an iron bar laying on the basement floor. You quickly but carfully make your way to the corner where your shotgun had landed and pick it up, readying yourself for what would happen next.

For a brief moment everything was very still, very quiet. This changed suddenly when the figure of a man appeared in the center of the room, not too far from Sam. He was tall and lanky, skin as white as the moon with hair as black as the night sky. He lunged towards Sam, trying to grab him by his neck. Before he could make contact, Sam took a strong baseball like swing at him with his iron rod. Upon contact, the ghost dissolved into the air, like perfume sprayed from the bottle. The three of you look around for his anticipated return. Like clockwork, you hear Dean shout.


You turn around, but before you can do anything, the ghost violently throws you across the room without even touching you. Your body smacks against the hard, concrete wall and you hit your head. Your vision becomes blurred, and you can feel yourself about to pass out. You fight to stay awake.

Dean begins to make his way towards you, but you can see from behind him that the ghost is coming for him.

"Dean!" you scream, pointing your shot gun full of rock salt just behind him. Dean catches on and ducks as you send a round of salt through the ghosts chest.

He disappears. Your vision gets darker and darker. The last thing you see is Dean approaching you as you pass out on the cold, hard floor.

To be continued...

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