Let's Do This

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The night had fallen over the sky like a blanket being laid out on a mattress. Cool air from the crack of the window gently hit your face and ran through your hair. The sound of classic rock filled the car as Dean drove down the road.

You're up front in the passenger seat, a spot usually inhabited by Sam. Instead, he sat in the back, trying to be accommodating to you. You thought it was quite sweet. Despite them being rough around the edges, they still knew how to treat a lady, even if you weren't the most lady-like gal around!

None of you spoke. There isn't much to talk about at this point. Margie Bowman had given the three of you the last piece of the puzzle you needed to figure out what item needed to be burned. A beaded crucifix. Dean recalled seeing it in the tub that Damien Thorn used to murder prostitutes. All that was left to do was salt and burn it, then the case would be over.

You were looking forward to putting this behind you. The thought of more teens losing their life to this ghost kept you focused, even though Dean was a slight distraction. Not in a way that kept you from doing your job, but just in a small pleasant way. You had never worked with any other hunters besides Bobby when he was training you. To your surprise, it wasn't as bad as you thought it could have been. Their reluctance for you to work the case due to your concussion at first made you concerned they would try to put you on the back burner, but that didn't happen.

You connected with the brothers, especially Dean. The night you first met was the most fun you had had in a while. You almost felt like a regular citizen. The talk the two of you had on the way to the high school had really made you feel close to him. As much as it hurt, it was nice to open up about what happened to your family to someone who could really understand what you were going through. You were glad you got to meet him. As much as you are happy that the case is coming to an end, you couldn't help but feel a little somber that when this is over, you and Dean will go your separate ways.

A hand on your shoulder interrupts your train of thought. You look over to your left to see Dean giving you look as if to say, "You ok?". You reach over your chest with your right arm and give Deans hand a gentle rub. You give him a small smile to indicate that you're fine. He gives your shoulder one last light squeeze before returning it to the steering wheel.

The jolt of the car going up the slight curb to the driveway of the house brought your focus back to the case. Dean shut off the engine and as the classic rock stopped, the car became briefly silent.

"Alright," Dean sighed with the slap of his thighs, "let's do this."

To be continued...

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