Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

I toss and turn but I can't fall asleep.

'Ugh, what is wrong with me?' I ask Rain.

'What do you mean?' She replies.

'I can't sleep!' I state. It should have been obvious...

'Well that's because you're finally seventeen.' She says in a "duh" tone.

'So? What does that have to do with anything?' I demand.

'Your wolf side, AKA ME, is fully mature. Your vampire side finally has a grip.'


'You can't grow anymore. You are now pretty much a vampire with a wolf.' She explains, obviously feeling dejected.

'You're kidding? I can't sleep anymore?' I ask, alarmed. Sleeping was my favorite thing to do.

'Your favorite Other than sleeping with Ash....' Mumbles Rain.

'Shut up! I've never even done that!' I say, a blush spreading across my cheeks. Then my thoughts strayed back to the original worry. I couldn't sleep anymore. How extremely and utterly depressing! I finger my mother's necklace and take deep breaths.

'Get over it you big drama queen! Besides, I never said you couldn't ever sleep!' Rain barks.

(Barks, get it? Haha... Ok back to the story...)

'Whatever.' I snap, throwing my covers off and slipping a big sweatshirt on. It's so big it falls over my short shorts. Normally I wouldn't wear something like this, but it was late, Ash would be asleep, my parents probably at their.... Special.... House a few miles from here. Plus I really needed to run.

I quietly padded down the steps, barefoot, and out the front door.

'Yey!' Says Rain.

"Don't get too excited, I'm not letting you out." I whisper. She whimpers, but doesn't otherwise protest.

I start out at a light jog and progress into a hard run from there. I follow the path I always follow as a human to the lake. It is a few miles, but still easy for me.

As I run I let myself go, setting loose all of the stress and emotions from the past few days. A tear slips out, then another, and the by the time I know it, I'm bawling so hard I can't see. I trip and stumble, cutting open my arm. It bleeds for a little before sealing up, leaving nothing but pink skin.

I curl my legs up to my chest and hug them tightly, sobbing. I cry for my mum, for my dad, for my adopted parents, for my loss of sleep, for my irritating abnormal state, and most of all, for Ashton.

The irritating, aggravating, heartbreaking, nerve racking, back stabbing, attractive, tall, mysterious, adorable... Wait? Where the heck am I going with this? Attractive?! Adorable?! I need to get a grip... All he is is trouble.

What is wrong with me.... I'm getting way to emotional.

'It could be that your going into the first few stages of heat... That sometimes causes extra emotional distress.' Suggests rain.

I silently agree with her, still unable to stop crying. Someone comes up and sits next to me, wrapping their arms around me and rubbing circles in my back.

"Shh, it's okay. It's okay." They say. I began to rain sometime while I was crying so I pull closer to the person, trying to get warm. Eventually, the flow of tears slows, and comes to a stop. That left me with nothing but hiccups. I unwrap my arms from around the persons neck and use my hands to wipe my eyes and cheeks.

I look up to say thank you, and to apologize, but come face to face with the one person I didn't expect to be there, Ashton. He smiles at me and continues to run his fingers through my hair.

"Are you alright, crazy girl?" He asks quietly. He obviously had just waken up before he came, because his voice was still sleepy.

I hiccup and shake my head, "I don't know what's happening to me." I say softly. He nods in an understanding way and holds my tighter. For once, I decide to let it happen. He is, after all, my mate.

"Let's get you inside." He says, standing up and pulling me in his arms. He walks back to my house, carefully carrying my the whole way.

Ash carries me up to my room and sets my on my bed, going to my closet to get some dry clothes for me. He sets them in front of me, kissing me on the forehead and saying, "I'll be right back."

I nod. As soon as the door shuts behind him I change into the shorts and long sleeve shirt. I finger comb my hair into a bun and then climb under my covers again, curling up in the needed warmth.

The door opens, then closes again and Ashton comes over and sets a mug of hot cocoa on the nightstand next to my bed.

"Is it poisoned?" I joke.

"No, of course not. Don't you trust me?" He banters with a smile on his face.

I sit up and pick it up carefully, not wanting to spill. He sits next to me and pushes a stray strand of hair back into place.

"Thank you for this." I mumble, looking up at him through my eyelashes. He brushes it off claiming it's what he's supposed to do before saying,

"Your eyes are red."

I roll my eyes and reply,"it's normal for that to happen when you've been crying."

"No, I mean your eyes are really red, not green or gold like they normally are." He explains.

"What?" I ask, alarmed. I run to the mirror on my wall and see he is right, my eyes are a terrifying blood red color.

'Vampire side.... Duh.' Rain says. I start shivering as I realize what she means. My throat wasn't burning because of the hot cocoa.

"No, no no.... Crap!" I whisper, incoherent words coming out of my mouth.

"What's the matter?" Ash asks, walking towards me. I hear his heart beat intensify with every step and my throat burns more.

"Don't touch me!" I shout in alarm. He pulls back, looking hurt and confused.

"I.... I.... You... Vampire..." I say, still not being able to speak.

"You won't hurt me, crazy girl." He says, stepping forward again and pulling me close. My throat is on fire, I can feel his heart beat under my fingers. I wince as my teeth start to elongate. My gums now hurt too.

"Ashton, let me go." I say, accidentally cutting my lip while talking. I'm still not used to my fangs.

"I will be fine. Relax, Rose." He says. I struggle to pull back, but he holds me tight. Once again, completely accidental, I cut someone's skin open. The problem? This time it's not me. A small, thin line of blood appears on his arm. I close my eyes and hold my breath, pushing out of his arms and running outside to my parents.


Poor girl, she has no clue what happening to her, huh?

Well, thanks for reading this chaptah.... If you read it haha...

Ummm... Comment? Vote?

I love you all who evah is reading and wish you jelly filled.....

Pastries! Haha I couldn't come up with anything better.

So, who has seen the hobbit 2? It's pretty good, eh?

Killi vs. legolas.

Here in the comments I want to see who you guys think is better,

The dwarf........ Or the elf......

Da da daaaaaaaahhhhh

Do you trust me?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon