Chapter 20

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Oh my gosh guys! We've made it to chapter 20! If you haven't already noticed, things have been picking up, and the story is finally going somewhere. However, it is moving fast. I imagine this book will be done somewhere around chapter thirty... Well, yeah. Just saying the book will be moving quicker. And I will be trying to update quicker. Well, yeah... Okay. On with the chapter:

Pic of Jessica on the side!!!


Chapter 20:


Rosie's POV:

I wake up to the sun shining in my eyes. With a grunt, I pull myself out of bed and head to the kitchen to make breakfast for Ashton and myself. We eat, and stand in awkward silence until finally he says,

"I'm leaving for my meeting." And stalks out the door. I wince as the slam echoes through the room. After a few seconds of standing, I proceed to clean up after the mess. Suddenly, I run to the bathroom and empty my entire stomachs contents into the toilet. After I'm finished, I wipe my mouth and brush my teeth.... Twice.

With a look at the clock, I realize I'm running late and end up running around, shoving all of my things into a haphazard pile. Right on cue, there is a knock at the door, and I run to answer it.

"So, you ready?" Says Paxton, showing up to take me to my last secret training session. We had been sneaking down to the fields pretty much every day for the past few weeks, whenever Ash was busy. Henri was in on our secret, and constantly called Ashton in for meetings. Today I am supposed to take my final session, which will also be my entrance test, seeing if I am qualified for the field.

"Yeah, let's go." I say, grabbing the backpack Philelia gave me, and shutting the door behind me.

"Hurry. We have to get down there before you are late." Pax says, pushing me a little.

"Hey! It's not my fault Ash didn't leave for his meeting until a few minutes ago!" I snap. He grins and continues to rush me down to the training fields.

"Ah, Rosie, right on time." Says my trainer, Val.

"Yeah, sorry for not getting here early." I say, pulling my hair back into a ponytail.

"Yes, well.... We will survive. Let's get you going in your test." She replies. I nod, and look at Paxton, who gives me one last smile before I follow after Val to my course.

"Here is the supplies you will be allowed to use for this course." Val informs me when we arrive, handing me a small belt with a pouch on the side.

"What does it have in it?" I ask her.

"Open it and see." She replies, showing no emotion, as always. I nod and sip open the pouch, inside are a knife, a roll of bandages, and some twine.

"That's it?" I ask, "Normally I get more than this."

"The best can do the most with the least." She replies, ignoring most of my comment. I sigh, but nod.

"Your training uniform is in the changing room, go now. You have three minutes to change and be back here." She says, sounding like a drill Sargent. I give a sarcastic salute before marching off to the small building standing about five feet away. Once inside, I close the door behind me and strip off my top and shorts. Quickly, I pull on the baggy, dark brown cargo pants and the black tank top before jamming my feet into the black combat boots. I take a quick glance at my watch while I buckle on the belt Val gave me. With a grin, I jog back out to Val.

"A minute and forty-two seconds." I say.

"Great. New record. Now, let's go." She says, not sounding excited at all. I sigh, and tighten my ponytail.

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