Chapter 27

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Chapter 27
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Rosie's POV:
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Ash and I walk silently down the pathway, neither one of us knowing exactly what to say at the moment. The silence is abruptly cut off as Alice and Paxton run in our direction.

"Isn't it great to be home?!" Alice exclaims, slinging her arms around my neck and hugging me tightly. Ash immediately tenses up and pulls her off of me.

"Geez, what did you sit on?" Alice scowls playfully.

"Seriously though, what's up?" Pax asks, punching as in the arm in a way that only bros can get away with. He looks at me and I ask him silently with my eyes. When we come to our unspoken agreement, I sigh.

"I'm pregnant." I whisper, my cheeks no doubt turning the color of my hair.

"I knew it!" Alice screams, doing a little dance. Paxton rolls his eyes.

"You knew? I didn't even know!" I say, even more embarrassed.

"Duh! Well, okay. Maybe I didn't know, but I thought it was a possibility when we were.... There." She explains.

"Mmmm. Okay." I consent.

Paxton gives Ash a look and they both begin walking and talking between themselves. Alice loops her arm through mine and leads me along behind them, not failing to pepper me with questions the entire time.

"Alice, we were just held as prisoners together for the past month and a half. I don't think that pretty much anything has changed since this morning." I state wearily.

"Well, poo head, I was trying to forget about that. It's easier to just not think about it. Besides, you weren't officially diagnosed as pregnant this morning, Ms. Baby-Bump." Alice huffs. The corners of my lips pull up at her comment, and I pull my shirt me tighter around my belly. Sure enough, I have an impressive baby bump and I feel stupid for not noticing it before.

"I don't know how I didn't notice it." I whisper to myself.

"Oh, that's easy! You were so skinny and unhealthy until you had Ash's blood, Ya know? So it kind of makes sense that you didn't see it before." Alice smiles.

"But Look at it!" I shout, making an exaggerated movement of pulling the shirt tighter around my swollen bump.

"It's supposed to look like that. You're already half way through." Alice states.

"I'm only at two months?" I say, blatantly confused.


"And isn't it supposed to be nine?" I ask, even more confused.

"No, silly! That's humans! Werewolves only take four. I thought you knew this?" Alice teases. I smack my forehead rather loudly. Of course I knew that. I should've remembered...

"Well, I think Rose and I will be going to rest." Ash butts in. I assume he and Paxton have finished their conversation.

"What?! No way! She has to go see everyone first! Everybody has been waiting for our return!" Alice shrieks, once again leaving my ears ringing.

"Right now, she needs to sleep. She can reunite with them tomorrow." Ashton commands, leaving no question. I almost feel bad, but agree with him. Sleeping first sounds like a good plan. As he tucks me under his arm, I turn and give Alice an apologetic look before waving at Paxton. After Pax waves back, I face foreword and snake my arm around Ashton's side.

We fall back into our comfortable silence, and when we reach the door of our compartment I pause. It had been so long since I'd been here, not to mention that I had left on bad terms.

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