Chapter 14

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Well Hello Readers!!! How is ya??? good i hopes... well I decided to update again because i loves you guys... haha well I would probably still update even if you guys werent reading... and funny comment, i have next to no readers. (BTW those of you who are reading, you're amazinggggggg <3)

So the song of the chapter... Is.... Kiss me.... By Ed Sheeran. Haha it's kind of fitting but I was listening to it over and over while writing this chapter.

another thing... on my computer my "a" button fell off so all i have is copy paste... which is how you can tell I wrote certain parts on my computer... the "a" will always be lower case.

also i have a camp thing that i have to go to for school this week and i probably wont update again till next monday at the soonest.... SORRY... really insanely sorry..... :( I will miss you guys.

Well annyyywayyy on with the story....


Chapter 14:

Rose's POV:

I wake up to the sound of car doors slamming. The door on my side of the car opens and I feel a cool breeze blowing across my body.

"Do you think she is awake?" I hear Paxton whisper to ash.

"Nah, lets just carry her inside." My mate replies. Suddenly I feel two strong arms wrap themselves under my body. I can tell from the tingles running up and down my spine that it is not Paxton. They murmer some more things that i cant make out before Paxton walks away.

"Dude, the front desk woman says there is only two available rooms." Paxton says when he returns.

"Oh ok, Rose and I can share then." ash replies. Paxton must have agreed because the next thing I know, I'm being layed on a hard bed.

"Hey, I know you're awake, lazy. Its okay though, just go to sleep and I'll talk to you in the morning." ash says. I can hear the smile in his voice. I open my eyes and see him pulling a blanket over him on the couch.

"Hey, ashton?" I ask, my voice groggy and sleepy sounding.

"Yeah, babe?" He asks.

"Hold me?" I ask. He chuckles, and the next thing I know he is laying next to my holding me close to his chest. I snuggle closer and sigh.

"ash?" I ask once more.

"Shh, Love. Just sleep." ash says, running his fingers through my hair. I sigh and lean back into him.

"Goodnight." I mumble before falling into my peaceful sleep once again.


I feel like someone is sitting on me. A very heavy someone, at that. I grunt, trying to get them to get off when I realize there is no one there. Almost immediately the pressure disappears. I sigh and roll onto my side to try and sleep again. Suddenly, a sharp pain bursts through my stomach. I gasp. The burning spreads through my body like a forest fire. I scream,

"Ashton! Help me!" The pain doesn't go away, it only intensifies. I scream louder, choking on my sobs. I can't hear anything but a loud ringing in my ears. Black spots cloud my vision and I immediately squeeze my eyes shut.

"Ashton!" I sob louder than before. The pain takes over my whole body and I just sit screaming. I feel a pair of arms rap around me and the pain dulls slightly. The ringing in my ears quiets enough so that I can hear voices.

"She gets really bad night terrors." Says the person holding me.

"Why doesn't she wake up then?" Asks another voice, a female voice. At the sound of the female voice, another round of pain shoots through me and I scream again,

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