Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

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Ashton's pov:

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The car ride is long and the bumps in the road seem endless.

Each and every of my thoughts is focused on her. Nothing I do seems to keep her out of my head.

"Stop torturing yourself." Paxton says, nudging me.

"I can't help it." I reply, rubbing my eyes. It's true, the "what ifs" bouncing around in my brain are torturing me.

"What if I don't make it on time."

"What if all of this is all my fault."

"What if-" I shake my head, once again trying to rid myself of the agonizing possibilities.

"Okay, we are approaching the location," Henri starts, "remember, tactical team first, then everyone else. Got it?"

We all nod, and do a final check on our weapons.

"Calm down. You need to stay level headed if we are going to pull this off." Whispers Paxton as my fingers tap against the car door.

"I'm trying." I reply. He nods, and turns back to the front of the car.

"Five minutes." Henri announces, and the anxiety continues to naw at my stomach.

"This is different than any other mission we've done..." Mumbles one of the other men in the back seat.

"You've got that right." Says the man sitting next to him.

"Hey, if we die, we die together. We die as a team." Paxton says, trying to be motivational.

"Thanks for your ray of sunshine, Pax." I remark. He glares at me, and I return the look.

The rest of the ride feels like hours instead of minutes. When the car stops, Pax and I jump out, along with the two men in the back, and start making a space to hide the jeeps. The cars behind us do the same.

"You ready?" Henri asks me, setting his hand on my shoulder.

"Not really." I reply, snapping my belt in place.

"You've never failed a mission before, I doubt you will now." He informs.

"The other missions weren't exactly like this one, were they?" I reply sharply. He steps back and nods.

"Just keep calm and remember the plan." Henri instructs before going to discuss other details with the tactical team.

"Alright can everyone hear me?" Asks Henri when we all have placed a bud in our ear. I press down on the little button and confirm, as do the others.

"Alright, let's keep this line clear, copy?" Comes Henri's voice again.

"Copy." Comes the chorus of voices after.

"Tactical team, go." Commands Henri, and the foot men charge under the camouflage of the trees.

As it comes to my step in the plan, all of the nerves are erased. The anger builds up, and I'm in focus. I have to succeed; for all of the people who have fought to get us this far, for all of my friends, for Rose.

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Rose's POV:

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