Chapter 11

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There is a picture on the side of Paxton!! Yeyyyyyyyyyy finally ash has a friend... I was beginning to think he was a loner. Oh well :) haha dedicated to joweir for being an awesome reader!!! Oh well... I bet you guys want to know the next part of my story.... Hmph fine. On with the story my lovelies!


Chapter 11:

"Ugh." I grunt, raising my hand to block out the annoyingly bright sun that woke me from my dream.

'at least you fell asleep!!!' says Rain cheerily.

'whatever...' I reply.

'you know your panic was hysterical...' she mentions.

"You know if the light bothers you you can just close the curtains?" says a voice from the corner of my room.

'REPLY~~ Its ash thats talking!!!' squeels Rain.

"Yeah.... " I murmer to the person in my room.

'How did ash get in?' I mutter to Rain.

'The door, duh.'

'haha very funny. Go die in a hole.'

'You'd have to do it with me~!'

"Can you just do it for me?" I ask ash, remembering he was in the room.

"You should get up, lazy girl." He replies.

"Whats up with you and all the insults?" I groan, rolling over and falling out of bed, "Owwwwww." I groan.

"Crap! I'm sorry, are you okay?" He blurts running over and kneeling next to me. I'm fine, but I decide to milk it a little longer.

"Go away!!" I cry.

"Im sorry, Im sorry, Im sorry, Im sorry!" He says, picking me up and holding me close. I smile. I love being in his arms.

"Rose..." He chuckles when he sees my smile. He stands up and sets me on my bed. I whimper when he starts letting go of me,

"Don't let go." I say. He looks surprised, but then he smiles and scoots me over, holding me close to his side. I wrap my arms around his waist and sigh, closing my eyes.

"What time is it?" I ask.

"Seven..." He says.

"What? I cant believe you woke me up this early!!"

"I didnt wake you. Technically, the sun did."

"But i closed me curtains last night!!!"

"Oops, sorry." He says with a guilty look.

"ugh why are you in my room anyway?" I complain.

"So you want me to leave, then?" He says, letting go of me and moving to stand up.

"No!" I say, before i can think. He chuckles,

"I was in here because, well one, its your room, two the view of the sunrise is priceless." He says.

"Hmm." I say, agreeing.

"You should get up." He says.

"I dont want tooooooo~" I sigh.

"I never said you had to." He replies.

"Jerk." I mumble.

"You know you love me." He says.

"Yeah well, whatever. Shut up so I can sleep!" I say.

"Someone is moody."

"No, I'm just going into heat." I mumble.

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