Chapter 12

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Rose's POV:

Chapter 12

"You guys ready to rest?" Asks Paxton. We had been hiking practically all day, only stopping at necessary times.

"Yeah, I think we've travelled a decent distance. Plus, Rose needs to rest." Replies Ash. I huff and cross my arms, exaggerating my frustration at his comment. It didn't really bother me that much but still, it was fun to mess with him.

"Sure, blame it all on me. I'm sorry if I slowed you down." I snap in a very, sickly sarcastic tone. It takes almost all of my self control not to laugh at the aggravated yet guilty look on his face. Paxton, who is now standing behind Ash and unpacking his camp supplies, catches my act and laughs silently. Ash turns around when Paxton accidentally let's a chuckle loose; luckily Paxton is able to conceal it as a cough.

"Rose, you know that's not what I meant. I just want to go easy on you. You haven't lived like Pax and I have." Ash says, turning back to be. Again I want to laugh, however this time for another reason as well.

"Are you calling me weak?" I say in a quiet voice.

"I'm just saying you aren't used to the hard travel Pax and I normally do." Ash sighs, running his hands through his hair.

"I'm sorry to be such an inconvenience to you." I huff, stomping over to Paxton, only letting my giggle out when I'm sure Ash can't hear.

"Oh, gosh. You are one wicked woman." Paxton whispers, tossing me my tent out of my elvish backpack. My adopted mother gave me the bags before I had left with Ash this morning. She told me that they had been a gift from my real mother for my adopted parents. At the time I told her she should keep them, but now I, glad she made me take the three messenger packs. The bags were enchanted with elf magic, making them light weight and able to hold whatever the wearer wished.

"How long do you plan to keep this up?" Paxton asks, noticing I still haven't given up my act.

"As long as I can." I reply with a sly smile.

"Mmm, poor boy. Don't let him suffer too much." He whispers back. I wink and stand up, setting my features into a poker face and strutting past Ash with my head held high. He sighs and strides over to the very boy I had been talking with moments earlier.

I quickly set up my tent, only experiencing a little difficulty, and retrieve my bag from Paxton. Running back to my tent, I pull out the cot and bedding. I hear Ash talking with Paxton outside my tent.

"I never know what I'm doing with her!" Says Ashton.

"Chill, man. That's completely normal." Replies Pax.

"How would you know? You've never even found your mate!" Ash snaps.

"No but Toby did." Paxton retorts, equally defensive. Ashton sighs and they continue walking, their voices growing softer as they grow farther away.

'Who is Toby?' I ask Rain.

'How am I supposed to know?' She replies, just as clueless as I am.

I sigh, but finish up the last of setting up, changing into a pair shorts and a tank top. At the fire that they must have lit while I was busy, Ash and Paxton sit on opposite sides. I am about to go sit by Ash when I remember my act and sit by Paxton instead. I loop my arm through his, and when he looks at me strangely, I lean over and whisper in his ear,

"Part of my act. Just go with it." He nods and leans over to whisper to me,

"Ok, got it. Now giggle like I said something really funny." I do as he says and even go as far as to lean into his side. He takes my hint and wraps his arm around me. Over in the corner Ash growls, causing Paxton to quickly remove his arm.

Do you trust me?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora