Chapter 20: JK We're not done yet...

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***Heeeeey! Finally updating! I have a few days of summer vacations until I start university again. That means more time to update, right? Haha, ya right... I'm going to update sooner though, but don't expect much from me :P***

We hugged for a while and parted when his phone started ringing.

- Sorry, kitten, but I have to go. Tonight some rich kids hired the club to throw a private party with some dj. I have to go there now, Clement is asking for me. - He said looking at his phone and texting away before putting it down.

- It's ok. - I said taking the seat belt off.

- Oh, it's some dj you like. You know, that one that wears a costume.

- A lot of them wear costumes, I don't know.

- It's like a squirrel, something like that.

- Deadmau5?

-That one.

-You are joking, right? - I asked in desbelief.

- No. Why? You wanna come?

- It's a private party, you can't just let me in.

- I'm the owner, I can do whatever the hell I want. - He snorted.

I really wanted to go but we supposedly just broke up, it would be confusing if I went out with him now.

- Look, why don't you call your friends and meet them there, so you don't feel awkward since we just broke things off five minutes ago.

- You don't mind? I mean it's private and you are not only taking me but my frien-

- For that you don't have to worry, if you want to go with your friends, you can. But you need to decide because I'm supposed to be there already.

- Ok, ok, I'll go. Thank you so much, I'll text Rach on the way.

He started the car and started making his way to the club while I texted Rach. He told me to invite the other guys from the office, but that'd be an abuse, I'd rather not. Rach said she was having dinner with her cousin that was in town visiting with his wife and kids, and as soon as she finished, she'd come over.

We got to the club that was full of cars and crowded outside. Lucca entered through the garage in the back that leads to his office straight. Once there, he let into his office a group of men that were waiting for him outside. I just made my way to the couch in the corner of the office and started texting and what not. They must have been speaking for about half an hour about the organization of the party in general when the small meeting was terminated. It was mainly about the bouncers, security and they went over the protocol in case something went wrong. Just when everyone was leaving he called Clement back.

- Make sure to tell the men at the door that when Rachel... Ariana, what's your friend's surname? - He wast talking to Clement and then turned to me.

- Rachel Larsen-Evans - I replied.

- When Rachel Larsen-Evans arrives, take her to the VIP number seven.

- I'll escort her myself. - Clement replied and left after Lucca nodded at him in approval.

Lucca walked over to me and stretched his hand for me to take. I did and he led us directly to the main dance floor where the stage was all set for Deadmau5. We didn't stay there though, he lead us to some stairs on one side of the dance floor and then went into the VIP right next to the stage.

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