Chapter 4

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I rub my but as I land on it for the umpteenth time today. By the way, training stinks. Don't get me wrong, I'm used to training - with swords and hand-to-hand combat - but this isn't what I'm used to. This is dirty fighting...there's no honor in this style. Besides, this crazy chick named Skylar is in charge and, well...she's not normal. I mean, I'm not normal but she's even less so. I don't understand how she can just flaunt her secret like it's no big deal. If they find out what I am, they'd probably go crazy. To be honest, that girl is more normal than I am in this place. And they all seem to love her...but I can't tell them my secret.  

"Come on! It's grub time." a blond guy says from not too far away.  

Yeah, people just shout at each other here. I don't get it. I mean, back home everything had a formal atmosphere - from the diners, to the meetings, to people actually coming to see you when you're being summoned. Here, well...people just shout....all the time.  

"Okay, we'll be there in a second!" she says, straightening up to her full height.  

The other guys with us, I think his name's Little John, chuckles from his log. He claps and slowly walks over to us. "Good job! You may survive with us after all." 

I fight the urge to narrow my eyes at him - he's very annoying. Okay, I've only known him for a grand total of about four hour, but he just rubs me the wrong way. Like a big brother or something equivalent.  

"Yippie for me." I say with heavy sarcasm. "But let me show you what I can really do." 

He takes in my smirk and carefully hands me my swords, deciding to only use his staff as defense. "Okay, how about you show us exactly how tough you are." 

My smirk widens at his challenge, he doesn't know what he's getting himself into. "Okay, but I'm warning you...this could get bad." 

He barks out a laugh at glances at Skylar as she shakes her red mane she calls hair. "Feisty, she is. I like her." 

"Well, I don't think I'm too fond of you so let's just get this show on the road." I say, rolling my wrists and making a satisfying whooshing noise as the blades slice through the air.  

"How about we stop chatting and get down to business." a man suggests, walking up and leaning against a tree.  

He's handsome, with his short brown hair coming to a little point at the top of his head. His little mustache doesn't look too weird and he's got stubble all over his jaw. The most striking thing about him is his striking, bottom of the ocean, sea-green eyes. Honestly, I never even knew eyes could actually be that color - they're definitely memorable.  

"Oh, Allan, you're no fun." Little John says, coupling it with his loud bark of a laugh. 

"Sure." he shrugs like it's no big deal before watching me like I'm a new puzzle to be solved. "Who's that?" 

"Oh, this is Kierlan...she's going to join us for quite some time." Skylar says, smirking at the man. 

"Hm..." he says, pursing his lips thoughtfully. 

"Hi." I say with a small wave, not really sure what I'm supposed to do. 

He nods and smirks at me. "So...what're you planning to do with those pointy things." 

I narrow my eyes at how he says it - like he thinks I'm in way over my head - and then smirk at him. "Why don't you show me how to do this than." 

He smirks and walks over, taking a sword from Skylar and twirling it in his hand. "Okay, might as well." 

Then he lunges at me. I faint left and knock the blade away without really trying. He starts to swing his sword in the air, our blades clink against one another. And I'm blocking him with only one...just wait until I use both. 

"Hm...she seems okay, for a girl." he says, chuckling. 

I narrow my eyes and now it's my turn to lunge. Swinging both blades through the air, I quickly disarm him and kick him in his abdomen, sending him flying backwards without really hurting him. I say 'really' because he might end up with a bruise - just a small one. I hope. Hey, the Knights were able to take a lot and never really noticed anything about my extra strength, I don't know how much these guys can handle. 

"Oh,, I think she's good." Allan wheezes from the ground a few feet away.  

Little John barks out another laugh. "Well, maybe we should have just let her start with that! She's completely brilliant when it comes to whatever that is." 

Allan groans and I quickly tuck my weapons back into their sheaths before rushing over to him. I need to make sure he's okay at least. I mean, he doesn't sound too good.  

"Whoa, if that's what you wanted, you should at least wait until we're alone first!" Allan says, pushing against my hands when I try to lift his shirt. 

I quickly shove his arms out of my way and pin them to the ground before checking for signs he's not okay. "Don't worry, I won't take advantage of you. Besides, you're not my type." 

He gives me an odd look as Little John laughs again. Seriously, that guy is getting annoying with that barking noise he calls a laugh - sounds like someone's strangling Arthur's giant dog Hercules.  

"Guys, t-time to eat." another man says as he rushes up, taking in the scene before him.  

I quickly stand when I realize I've been straddling Allan to keep his arms out of my way - oh, yeah, barely even a bruise. It'll start showing in a few hours, but will be completely forgotten by tomorrow. Maybe, I don't really know how much he can handle. Note to self; be more careful with these guys. 

"Thanks Mutch." Little John says and I look over at the guy again. 

I freeze, whoa. He looks exactly like Arthur. My eyes start to pool with tears as I remember what Mordred told me. Arthur...all my friends, are most likely dead right now. Which means everyone I've grown up with, everyone I love, is forever lost to me.  

I quickly turn my back to them all and bite my lip to hold back the pain. Squeezing my eyes shut for a moment, I remind myself I have to stay strong...for Gawain and Percival. I just hope Percival was able to get clear of all that safely. 

"You okay?" I hear someone ask me. 

I take a breath and turn to them, smiling. "Just hungry. My stomach is starting to sound like a wild boar and it's kinda scary."


Sooooo, what do you think? Will she be able to overcome the pain of loosing everyone she's ever loved - including the only home she's ever known? What do you think about Mutch's resemblance to Arthur? Do you think a friendship between them would help her in ways no one will understand? Or do you think she'll avoid him like the plague?

So, I guess you may ask 'Why is this so much darker than The Huntress so far'? Honestly, even I don't know the answer to that. But I'm liking this story so far and I hope you guys like it to.

Also, The Huntress is close to 1200 about we hit that mark and I release a new chater for this story? No? Well, okay...but it would still be nice to get to 2000 reads before February.

Vote and comment on what you think.

Also fill in the blank.

"If I could ________ I'd be _________."

Always yours,


My Life As A Merry Man (Sequel to The Huntress)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon