Chapter 7

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"Come on!" 

I groan at the demanding tone. Why does it have to be her? Seriously, I'd rather anyone else right now - even that crazy Skylar chick. I mean, even Marion seems easier to handle and that girl is too happy for anyone's standard. I seriously believe she think s in rainbows, puffy dresses, and jewels. But this woman, Margaret, is just too much. Not to mention her partner in etiquette is a tad...eccentric.  

"I said..." she starts screaming again. 

"Okay! I get it, just...just give me a second." I snap in my stress.  

"You can't ask for a second when you're sitting in front of the Sheriff now can you, Skylar?" the other woman, Brooklynn, says as she looks at something on the ground.  

"I'm not Skylar" I yell, frustrated as I hit my sides.  

I'm a soldier, not some princess who's only thought is to find a husband. Besides, I already have one...well, I had one. It's only been two weeks since I left home and they've been putting me through this awful training for over half of it. My stress levels are off the charts and my inner beast just wants to break loose. Right now, everything in me is screaming for me to let go and run. Just run for hours and see where my feet take me.  

But I can't. I don't know the area that well and there are dangers here that even I can't foresee.  

"Kierlan. Kierlan!" I blink at the sound of the voice, feeling the slow tremors racking my body slow to a stop.  

"Yes?" I ask in a shaky voice, turning to see Will watching me in concern.  

"Are you alright?" he asks, taking a small step closer to me.  

"I'm fine, Will, just tired." I say, rubbing my eyes and temples.  

"Well...I think it's time to call it a day and head to dinner. Mutch has something special made for you - didn't say what it was exactly, but it's waiting. Smells semi-edible though." he says with a shrug, making me laugh.  

"You guys should really lighten up on the guy - his cooking isn't all that bad." I say, chuckling.  

"Hey! I'm the one who says when we're done here. Kierlan, when did you show up?" Brooklynn asks, sounding shocked.  

I sigh and gnash my teeth together. "It's been me this whole time, woman. And I don't appreciate being called your daughter's name." 

"Oh, well...I guess we can call it a day now. You've got a pretty good hang on things anyway and I'm impressed." she says, standing with a nod before disappearing into the trees.  

"I'll show you impressed!" I hiss under my breath and start to charge after the woman. 

"Whoa, calm down there kitten! That's just the way she is. No need to rip her head off." Will chuckles as he grabs me by the waist to hold me back. 

I shake my head and freeze. "I wasn't going to rip her head off. And don't call me a kitten." 

He gives a hearty laugh to my indignant tone. "Don't worry, you're too scary to be a real kitten." 

I bite back my growl, it would only prove his point further. "Didn't you say something about food?" 

"Yeah, Mutch said he was making something new for you. But, be may not survive." he warn with a little wink. 

"Seriously, you need to give the guy a little slack. I mean, unless you want to cook dinner." I say with a smirk, knowing how much the chore scares him.  

I'm pretty positive that he thinks if he lights the stove, he'll burst into flames. Which is why I said it, I like to pick on him. Honestly, Will's my favorite of all the guys here. Marion has to be my favorite girl. One; she's not crazy. Two; she hasn't done anything so far to make me not like her - such as throw me across that stupid field or yelling at me to 'raise my chin more." 

"Hey, don't laugh at me! What about the one who's afraid of people?" he asks in a mocking tone.  

I feign hurt and cover my heart with my right hand. "I don't hate people...I'd just rather not be around them." 

"Yeah, and I've got rainbow wings that glow in the dark." he says with a small smirk.  

I bust out laughing. "Well, I'm glad to say I can't wait to see that!" I stop myself for a moment. "I mean, unless you're serious." 

I watch his face as he looks down and, to be honest, he looks really sad. Feeling completely horrible, I walk over and place a hand on his shoulder, telling him how sorry I am. When he starts shaking, I hit my forehead and squeeze my eyes shut, biting my lip in the process.  

"Oh, my god! Your face!" he gasps in silent laughter.  

"You jerk! I really thought I hurt you just then." I say, hitting his shoulder.  

He lets out a little oomph. "Okay, ouch! Next time do me a favor and pull back a bit." 

He rubs the spot I hit him and looks up at me through his lashes, like a little puppy dog. To be honest, it's very adorable and makes me want to ruffle his hair. The look reminds me of Gawain, and everything doesn't hurt as much as it used to. Especially having Mutch around so much - it's weird, because he looks exactly like Arthur. Sometimes, I can just pretend that I'm back home when I look at the guy.  

I push him and he starts pushing me back.  

"That good enough for you?" I let out a chuckle as I push him again. 

"Nope!" he says, practically ramming into my side - but I barely feel it. "I think that one did the trick." 

"You two coming for dinner or should we just sit around like bumps on a log until you decide to join us after your little shoving battle?" Allan says, coming into the clearing before leaning against a tree and folding his arms across his chest.  

"Little?" I scoff and look over at Will. 

I bite my lips to keep from smirking, he just looks so angry.  

"Okay, that's the last straw! I'm going to show you a little shove." Will says with a fake battle cry before running right at Allan and tackling him to the ground, laughing like a maniac.  

"Seriously, man, what was that for?" Allan says with a laugh. 

"Because you made fun of my shoving! Thought you needed to be taught a lesson." Will answers as they both start laughing like crazy people.  

I roll my eyes and start walking away. "Well, I guess I get to eat whatever's left all by myself." 

"Wait!" they both yell and I smirk as I hear them trying to frantically get to their feet, making me laugh.


So...the chapter is a little late but I've had endless problems (cough cough stupid computer being a pain cough cough). But here it is! What do you think? Do you like it? Hate it? Be completely honest.

And what about that adorable Will Scarlet? Isn't he just precious?! Man, he really is my favorite Merry Man (like seriously!!!!!!) and Harry Lloyd is soooo adorable as well - he's how I picture Will. Anyway, random tangent, let me know what you thought!

Always yours,


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