Chapter 14

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"Oh, hello Kierlan. Where are you going?" Guy says after we bump into each other as we round the corner.  

I smile up at him. "Just to the market." 

Confusion wipes across his face and I raise an eyebrow at him. "What, am I not allowed to visit something as mundane as the market?" 

"Well, no...b-but that's what we have servants for. There's no need for you to go there. Especially with the outlaws lurking around every corner." he says, watching me with concern. 

"Outlaws?" I ask, pretending it's the first time I've heard of them.  

"You know, I am quite surprised they didn't raid your carriage on your way through the forest. They usually attack anything that resembles humanity." he says, looking concerned - but I can hear the venomous edge in his tone.  

"Well, maybe they were attacking someone else. Outlaws are funny that way...or they took the day off?" I say, trying to make a joke.  

When I see his small smile, I know I can probably play this poor unsuspecting man like a fiddle. But do I want to stoop that low? Unfortunately, I may not have a choice in the matter.  

" never know." he says and clears his throat. "Would you like me to join you?"  

"Oh, no it's fine. I won't be gone long and it's really just to look around and get a feel for Nottingham. I want to get to know the place I'll be living in." I say, shrugging to make it seem like it's no big deal.  

"Did your family let you go off like this back home? Do they know the risk you're taking?" he asks, sounding a little scared.  

"Well, they wouldn't know. They're dead." I say, not even realizing I'm telling him something that may seem too personal to tell a practical stranger. 

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that." he says, looking around uncomfortably. 

"It's fine, it was a long time ago and I've come to accept it. It's actually one of the reasons I was sent here. They needed someone to come here and I couldn't stay back home." I say, glad I can use at least the barest hint of truth - makes it more believable, I think. 

"Well, enjoy your trip." he says with an uncomfortable nod before swiftly turning on his heel and stalking away.  

I bite my lip to hold back my laugh and turn to head down the hall, running into someone else.  

"Well, it seems he's fallen into another trap." a horribly familiar voice says, making me jump back a good five feet.  

"Hello Sheriff." I say with a little bow.  

"Eh, continue on your way." he says before striding past me, muttering, "lepers," under his breath again.  

I raise a confused brow at his retreating form and glance everywhere around me to make sure I don't run into anyone else. I try to make some loose hair get out of my face by blowing it away, of course it doesn't work. I sigh and head down the corridor. Once I make it to the market place, I immediately start scanning the crowd for any signs of Robin.  

I look left and don't see anything. Turning right I smile to myself as I see a hand waving a piece of white cloth from the side of a house. Rolling my eyes, I pretend to look around at the foods and even talk to a few of the venders. I feel bad for them because it's clear just how much debt they're all in. at this moment, I vow to do all I can to stop the Sheriff. The verdict's out for Guy - he seems good enough, but I have to consider the warnings from Luke that he's not a good man.  

Once I round the corner, I stop in my tracks.  

"What're you doing here?" I ask, coming up behind him.  

Allan lets out a little yelp in shock and turns to face me. "You shouldn't sneak up on people."  

"Well, I didn't want to be obvious. By the way, when Robin said the sign would be obvious...well, I wasn't expecting that. Where is he, by the way?" I ask, looking around for any sign of him.  

"Something came up and he sent me instead. What, disappointed?" he asks, feigning hurt.  

I lightly shove his arm and smile. "Whatever, weirdo." 

"Anyway, got anything good?" he asks, rubbing his hands together in anticipation.  

"Just that the Sheriff has the worst table manners I've ever seen. He also resembles a rat and, in my head, I call him Sheriff Rat-face Vaisey. Guy's creepy, but with someone who wears that much leather at once...well, there has to be something wrong with his brain." I say and stop when he starts laughing.  

"What?" I demand, crossing my arms.  

"Nothing, but I get the feeling you're entertaining Luke so much with that attitude of yours. How is the boy, by the way?" he asks.  

"He's fine, angry that he has to do so many chores...but he'll get over it soon enough." I say with a shrug. 

"Aw, you've grown attached to the boy." he coos at me and pinches my cheeks.  

I swat at his hands and pull my face as far from his hands as I can without having to take a step back. "If you mean that I love him like he's a little brother, then I have." 

He laughs and shakes his head. "Well, don't lead the poor kid on. He doesn't have as much confidence as me and probably won't get over your indifference." 

I glower at him and raise my right brow.  

He throws his hands up in surrender. "Fine, you can't handle my awesome. Oh well, anything else? Or do you just want a goodbye kiss?"  

I just watch him as he puckers his lips at me, eyes closed. I wait until he opens one eye, sighs, and stands up straight. "Oh well. Had to at least try." 

"Ooh, there was one thing - something Luke told me. He thinks Guy has taken a liking to me and wants me to encourage the affection. What do you think?" I ask, remembering that I promised Luke I'd at least ask them how to handle it - but I'm not making any promises. 

"I think it's a good idea. Getting closer to Gisbourne would help out a lot in getting information. He'll be more trusting and probably say a whole bunch about their schemes in front of you without really thinking first." he says, nodding while deep in thought.  

I sigh. "Yeah, unfortunately, I thought you'd say that." 

He raises his brow.  

"Gotta go. I promised I was only going to be out here for a short while." I say, heading back the way I came. "By the way, do you have any clue why the Sheriff would mutter something about lepers when I'm around?" 

"Oh, that?" he says, laughing as he waves it off. "He used to say that about Marion when she was in the castle. Basically, no girl has given him the time of day in his life and he's bitter when Guy gets any attention - or gives it, for that matter."  

I laugh and head off around the corner. At least I understand that.


Soooooo...whatcha think? Did you like it?

What?! You weren't expecting that? You should know by now that predictable is not a part of my writing criteria. I like to keep you and myself on our toes. Literally, I don't know what I'd do if these random twists didn't show up every two seconds. Anyways, hope you enjoyed the humor, randomness, and the complete crazy - which that last one belongs solely to Sheriff Rat-face himself.

Remeber to vote and comment to let me know you've read and have opinions - because sometimes I don't know what you're thinking. Seriously, I get comments like "DAMN DAMN DAMN" and that lets me know I'm doing either a good job...or they're hating it completely. But @MrMumbles, I already understand your manerisms and know it's a good damn. ;)

Always yours,


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