Chapter 24

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I'm so nervous right now I think I may be sick. My stomach is twisting into tiny knots, my head feels as though it is no longer actually attached as a pounding in my ears deafens me, and my chest constricts with a pain that I can't place. What is that?I quickly wipe my hand across my face and stand up, starting to pace around the floor in my room. And I'd eavesdrop on them but I guess they're too far away for me to hear them...of course, I could always go snooping - but what if I get caught. 


Just so you know, waiting is the worst. I hate not knowing what's going to happen to us. To him. I can't loose him - I'm not exactly sure why I feel so strongly about this fact, but I just do!  

I freeze at the thought. 

Why? Why do I feel this way? What is it exactly about Allan A' Dale that even the mere thought of him getting hurt again makes my chest tighten in fear? I can't help feel like there's something I'm missing here. What is...? 

My thought are cut off by the sounds of someone's footsteps echoing, not more like pounding along the empty corridor beyond that blasted wooden door. I glare at the thing as if is some kind of offending snake that I just want to rip apart. I don't even realize I'm growling until whoever it is stops just outside. I hold my breath as the doorknob starts to turn and the door slowly creaks open.  

I stare dumbfounded at the girl grinning shyly at the floor in front of me.  

"Hello?" I ask, afraid to scare the poor, fragile creature in front of me.  

She jumps a little at the sound of my voice and answers softly. "Hello." 

"Is there something you need?" I prompt her to speak. 

She nods, still looking down at the floor. 

"You know you can look at me?" I say with a small smile, letting her know I'm friendly - it's not her fault her boss is a complete psycho that needs a lot of help mentally. "I promise I won't bite." 

I see a small smile spread across her face as she sheepishly looks up to meet my eyes. I give her a genuine smile and watch as she slowly starts to realize that I'm not like the others here - even though the rumors would say otherwise. So far, my reputation has been a ruthless ally to the Sheriff and a 'beautiful' but deadly addition to the court. Well, they're right about the dangerous part....which reminds me, I need to find a time to go out for a run. I can feel my grip on my wolf slipping. She doesn't like to be confined for very long and I can't really remember the last time I went for a run.... 

It couldn't possibly be since I came through that blasted portal, could it? 

"Um, I-I've been sent to help you change Miss." The, wait, woman - she's just so tiny she looks like a young girl. 

"Huh?" Okay, maybe not the most articulate response.... 

"Your dress're still in your ball gown." She says, nodding toward me. 

I look down and realize I am indeed still in the soft, silky fabric Guy had given me. Gee, I think I would have remembered walking around in this heavy thing. 

"Oh, right! Um, thanks." I nod, stuttering a little as I get myself situated for her to help. "What's your name?" 

She looks up at me in shock - I can see her in the mirror. "Miss?" 

"Your name, what is it? I'd like to know what your friends call you so I can make sure you're well taken care of. You look like you don't get much to eat." I say, concerned for the woman - she's obviously eating much less than her body requires. 

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