Chapter 17

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I fan myself against the heat, the delicate chain on my wrist flopping from the movement.  

I'm a little nervous. Why? Because I got word from Allan this morning that Robin and the gang are planning to break into the Sheriff's strong room during the tournament. Meaning, I'm going to either have keep the guys distracted - easy enough with Guy, Sheriff fat-head not so much - or to sneak away and help them. Which, the sneaking away just includes bringing Robin the key if Will can't break in.  

"Are you feeling well?" Guy asks, leaning closer to me. 

"I'm fine, it's a little warm is all." I say with a shrug, hoping he won't catch on my nerves - this man's a little too perceptive for my liking.  

"Well, hello everyone! Welcome to today's fabulous archery tournament." Vaisey says with fake excitement oozing with disdain. "Well, yay. I'd like to kick us off with our prize - which is a very small, silver-plated bow and arrow. Yay! Also, if anyone happens to see Robin Hood, it would be great to go ahead and point him out. Thanks." 

I fight the urge to roll my eyes and watch the crowd gathered around us - at least this is sort-of familiar. We used to annual melees...of course, I wasn't usually on this side of the tournament. It takes a second to notice the guards disbursed amongst the villagers - another difference between our lands, only nights and, well, me were allowed to participate as a show of how we can protect our people - and the way they're watching everyone's just really creepy.  

"No? No takers? Oh's never that easy." he mutters to himself. "Well, time to start and catch him red-bandit. Get it? Anyway, let's get this going, I have a lot to get done today. Like plan a hanging. I like to see when they realize they're about to swing, do the dangle, whatever fun thing you wish to call it." 

I silently pray that no one can hear him, of course Guy's little chuckle is a highly disturbing response. I hold back a shudder as Guy leans closer to to Rat-face. Am I being childish calling him that in my head? Nope, absolutely not.  

"Just wait until he shows and you'll have your wish. You know Hood can't resist an archery tournament." Guy says with a little smirk. 

"Well, he's always managed to show up at some point. So he'd better come! That way he'll win, I'll have him killed, and the silver stays with me. Of course, we always have your man. He did say they're coming, right?" Vaisey whispers. 

"Yes, the boy has no reason to lie to me, especially since I'm paying him to give me Hood's information." Guy says with a nonchalant shrug.  

"He'd better not!" Mole-man sneers. "Okay, start with our first man!"  

"Sir, we need to have the first draw from one of the court." a guard says shakily under his breath, looking scared out of wits for having to say it.  

"Oh, shoot...right!Um..." he looks around for a moment. "Gisbourne, you're a terrible shot, but I don't want to move." 

"I'll do it." I say, sitting up a little straighter. "You know, to add a little something to look at. You don't want someone to be focused enough to actually win this thing. Why not make it harder for them?" 

"Makes sense...might as well. I don't know why you complain so much, Gisbourne. Maybe it was a good idea I let you stay." Vaisey says with a nod. 

Guy just shrugs, making an odd face, before nodding his agreement. "As long as she hits the marker, we should be good." 

I bite back a growl as I walk over to the man holding out a bow with a single arrow for me. I smile warmly over at the man - something he's surely never seen from someone in the Sheriff's good graces - and take the old wood into my hands. Yeah, this man definitely doesn't know how to take good care of his armory. Such a shame... 

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