Chapter 20

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I sigh as I watch Luke riding off through the gates of Nottingham. I'll miss his company for sure, but he needs to be with his father - I'm a little proud of myself for being able to handle everything like I have. Even telling Luke the whole story about what brought me to this world and everything that has happened since was easier than I expected. Maybe I can survive this... 

"Kierlan! Oh, Kierlan." I hear Sheriff Rat-Face calling me from somewhere within the castle.  

Rolling my eyes, I turn and head inside - looking for that insufferable, two-faced, arrogant, pig. Once I spot him, I feel a little uneasy as I take in his triumphant expression. A sickly feeling in the pit of my stomach makes me feel like I might be unable to eat for at least a week. 

"Yes?" I say, bowing slightly with my head to show my respect - hah, respect my fanny! I'd rather bow to a troll than this man. 

"Come with me! I'd like you to see all that we do around here. I think we may be able to use you in ways that we didn't expect getting information out of Robin Hood's man." he says, leading me through several corridors.  

"What do you mean, sir?" I ask politely, completely confused as to what he means. 

"Well, we've caught this one once before. Gisbourne thinks we can make him work for us - the boy was a thief a long time ago and we can probably pay him. But I want to exploit your...feminine whiles on him first." he says with a creepy chuckle. 

"And what exactly does that mean?" I ask uneasily. 

"Oh, stop with the questions - it's no fun that way. Just go in there and ask him questions about Hood and we'll see if he spills to you." he says, waving me off as we reach the dungeon and join Guy. 

"Why is she here sir?" Guy asks, watching me with curiosity. 

"She's going to make that little Birdie's bird squawk." Vaisey says, shrugging his shoulders indifferently. 

"Are you sure that's safe? She doesn't know what these men are like. He could hurt her." Guy says, sounding genuinely concerned.  

"Oh, don't coddle the girl Gisbourne! If she's going to last around here she needs to do this. Besides, she's just a girl - he's not dumb enough to do anything." Rat-face says with a wave of his hand. "Also, he's already helped us in the past...maybe he'll squawk more around her. You know, give them something pretty to look at." 

My stomach drops a little as his words register. They've captured one of Robin's men. One they want me to get to tell them all of Robin's secrets. One who's already told them a lot of things already. Does Robin know there's a spy in his camp? If there is one...who would it be? I can't imagine any of them betraying the group. So, what would they be getting out of it? 

"Excuse me but, if he's already your spy, why lock him up and torture him? Wouldn't he tell you anyway?" I ask, carefully masking my fears with a merely curious look on my face.  

"Of course, but I think he knows more than he tells. For example, how did Hood manage to fool us at the tournament? Obviously he either didn't tell us everything or Hood didn't tell him the whole plan." Vaisey says. "Besides, we have to lock him up so Hood will come get him. Plus it's a lot of fun to hear the screams." 

Bile rises into my throat and I quickly swallow it back down - can't show weakness, especially to these two. "Fine, I'll do it. Alone." 

"What?! There's no way I'm letting you go in there alone. Roderick, you must see the danger in this situation." Guy says, looking at the sheriff with a little fear in his eyes - wow, he actually has genuine concern for me. Strange. 

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