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"Dean, what is wrong with you?"

I looked at Sam as if he grew another head, not believing that he actually asked me that. Does he not get it? Can he not see that this isn't our mother?

"There is nothing wrong with me Sam. I just don't understand how you can not see that that thing out there is not our mother." I said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"I don't know what's going on with you, but please don't bring mom in to this." He sassed me, leaving the room to go to wherever that mind of his goes.

I let out a sigh, laying down in my bed, falling asleep for what seemed like forever ago.

There was darkness surrounding me as I kept running through the never ending tunnel, trying to get to the light that was slowly fading away the closer I got to it. By the time I reached the end I was breathless, the darkness turning into a room. I was stuck in a fatal position that gave me back ache. My eyes scanned the room to find Sam standing above me, talking to Mom like I wasn't even there or the fact that he was hanging upside down on the damn roof! Though all of a sudden it all made sense - I was on the roof. I screamed in pain as I felt my stomach ripping apart.

"Dean? Dean!" Sam shouted out as he stared at me hopelessly. Mom only smirked, her eyes turning yellow as she turned to Sam, pulling out a knife and stabbing him in the chest.

"No! No! Don't, you son of a bitch!" I screamed to the thing in the form of my mother; tears pricking at my eyes. She only laughed like a maniac as my body started to turn into flames. I continued screaming as the pain soared through my body.

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