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Weeks and weeks had past with no sign of Castiel.
He wasn't anywhere on the street or in another vessel (I think) and he was definitely NOT on Angel Radio.

Through the many days of passing, Dean had stopped eating. He then ended up locking himself in his room, leaving all the (extra-not ordinary) couples to worry about him. He didn't even come out to pee never mind trying to find Cas.

No one is going to lie - he did spend a whole week with about maybe three or four hours of sleep that entire time because he stayed up like the idjit he is to find his Cas.
The laptop finally blew out after all the research which is how he ended up in his room. Staring at his wall like it was the most interesting thing in the world. No sleep, no food, no peeing(or maybe he went to the bathroom when 'everyone' was asleep), no nothing.

At the time being though, my dear readers...

"Dean?" Sam knocked onto his older brothers bedroom door with a plate of left over apple pie from dinner. He set it down on Dean's table stand as Dean stared the wall he always stared at as; though it would move or maybe even start talking to him if he tried hard enough. "I brought you some pie."


"It's Apple pie, your favourite," Sam tried putting a little more "happiness" into his words, but to no avail.
Sam had had it. He was finished.

"You know what, Dean? Just staring at this wall won't get you anywhere, it's not going to bring Cas back! I understand that you feel this way, but you aren't the only one - he was my friend too!

"I get that you love him but I loved him too, even if it was brotherly love. Talking about brothers, we have a house full of his brothers that miss him too! So just get out of this sorry-for-myself state and just get up and at least try help us by doing something!"

The shouts of the moose's voice was heard throughout the entire bunker but everyone knew not to bother him.


Sam walked around to face his brother but finally realised why he was actually not responding. He was sleeping.

Seeing his shorter brother in the most peaceful sleep he has had in ages made his chest hurt because he just went on some screaming fit to his sleeping brother. So, like every kind brother would do, Sam took Deans shoes and socks off, pulled the sheets to the bed back and layer his brothers fragile head don't the pillow as he lay down - tucking him in. Dean shifted a little, mubbling incoherent words as he carried on. Just as Sam's hand was on the handle, he heard Dean lift up in bed.

"I'm sorry," he said with his eyes still closed. Sam only had to nod before the man fell back on the sheets and snored off with Cas' name rolling out incoherently.

**time skip**

Everybody: aka Michifer, Sabriel and Adamandriel sat around the library table and looked at each other seriously.
This was all getting out of hand and they knew that this time would come soon.

"I found him sleeping Bout twenty minutes ago, so that one good sign." Sam said to the other five.

"Just sleep is not enough... I mean he scared me before but this is even scarier." Samandriel mumbled next to Adam, finally doing something possible in his life.

"Hmm, I don't mean to be rude or anything but... Can't we just do like what they did in the war to the women that would protest and just starve themselves?" Lucifer butted in.
"No!" Michael rolled his eyes, " we are not sticking pipes down his noes and force feed him through those pipes!"

"Ewwwww" everybody felt grossed out

"He wouldn't let you do it, even if you wanted to"

"No, I can't, but the author can,"
"Oh dad, please don't! You already broke the wall..."
"I rebuilt it with the author..."

Author: Sneaky bastard!

Any whoooooo onward my child's

"We should give Dean a sugar rush, that way he will actually run around like crazy!"

"What it is the honest to dad truth"

The entire table erupted with talking while Sam just held his candle and thought.
Buuuuuut he couldn't...
Cause of the stupid talking!

"Everybody shut up!"
And the table Shut up.

For a whole ten minutes there was silence. Sam thinking and Gabriel hearing everything..

"No! You are not! You can't!" Gabriel screamed.

"If this is to save your brother and mine then, yes, we are!"

"Can someone fill us in please" Adam thought aloud.

"If Castiel is an Angel then there is only one person who knows what is actually happening in the world..."

They all looked at each other wide eyed.

All at once the all screamed out one name



Okay, so i know i have been gone for ever but i decided to update for a change Cause i actually felt a little inspired...

I hope you're all doing okay though... I'm actually stuck in my room feeling sick and can't stop shaking...


Vote, comment share and that'd make me the happiest person in the world right now.

Love you my bitchits (haha get it?)


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