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So far it has been a week. An entire week of misery and not to mention the on-going sarcasm. Oh and that's not all, there are candy wrappers everywhere - even in my bed (don't ask me how) and Sam and Gabe won't stop with the eye-sex and the friggin snogging in front of me just to irritate the CRAP out of me! I actually feel like shooting myself in the head with how much this has been going on.

I think I kind of praised God when I finally found a case about an hour ago. Yes, miracle, I was actually trying to find one although you know why.

"Sam, I am going to walk out this door and leave you here if you don't hurry your ass up!" I shout out to Sam who has taken that entire hour to get ready. We never take that long to pack and leave but since that stupid Angel Gabriel is here - well, he just wastes everybody's damn time.

Footsteps stomp down the hall as well as loud talking, letting me know that they are ready. Sam is laughing at something Gabriel said: him making it obvious by the smirk on his face.

I swear if he is trying to -

"So, are we going?" Sam asked me, while still trying to hold in a laugh. I look at him curiously but shrug it off and walk to my Baby, Cas already in shot gun and mom in the backseat.

When did they get there?

Sam let out a huff of disappointment but slipped into the bag seat with Gabriel, only to start laughing again.
I smiled at the sight because no matter what, I will always be happy if Sam is happy.

I shut the trunk and walked over to my door. I opened it to hear that everybody had stopped talking.


I decided to brush it off and sat down. Sam's face went red as his cheeks blew up, him trying so hard not to laugh while Gabriel had completely failed at doing that, already out of breath from laughing so hard, mom only chuckling. I turned to look at Castiel only to see him looking confused at what just happened.

If you certainly must know, Gabriel and Sam had put a whoopee-cushion under my seat to make it seem like I farted.

I will get you back, I swear I will...


Within three hours we were settled in a motel room, getting dressed in suits to go and question some of the victims who happened to see this so called 'hot but pale stalker freak'.

Not so surprisingly, all of them said it matched with his name. He was hot and young (what they said), very pale, and always stared out the window.

Sam and I decided that it would be best to go back later on tonight as that is the best time to go.

We packed salt, iron and salt bullets for our guns, with a ton load of holy oil and a lighter. We set out to Baby and drove five minutes before getting to our destination: Alabama. That is one bad name. I mean, come on? A pub called Alabama in Oklahoma? That is so wrong.

Anyway. I walked in the front with Sam while Gabriel and Castiel went back. Mom was looking for the bones of a Mr. Brian Lankers, so she could -obviously- salt them and burn them.

The door squeaked open as Sam finished picking the lock, only for it to be slammed shut when we walked in, the floor boards creaking as we continued, our guns lifted in case there was a 'jump scare' as some may call it in a horror movie.

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