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"You really need to calm down when an Angel appears in your car." A voice mutter as my eyes fluttered open only to close again because of how bright the light was. When I opened my eyes again, I saw a face I hadn't seen in a really long time. The lighting in the background had shocked me, sobering me up from my little daze.

"Am I- am I dead? Never thought I'd be heading to heaven when I died."

"Yes Dean, you are in heaven and you're dead because you crashed into a tree." His voice was dripping in sarcasm making me scoff and push him away, standing up immediately.

"I thought you were dead." I said as I walked to Baby to see she looked perfectly fine.

Of course Baby's fine, you think that dick bag would heal you but not Baby? He knows better than to just leave her.

"I'm great, how about you?" I rolled my eyes at the sarcasm that kept coming out of that damn mouth.

"I'm good. As I said before, I thought you were dead"

"Well Dean-o, you should know by now that I can trick anyone... Lollipop?" I shook my head at the offer and leaned on Baby's hood, Gabriel doing the same. He only shrugged, stuffing it into his mouth.

"Where you been all this time then. You know how bad Sam took it?"

"Hidden. How is Sammich by the way?"

"He is doing just fine actually. Just crying here and sobbing there. The usual," I let the words leave my lips as if it meant nothing, you know, just make Gabriel feel a little guilty for leaving his best friend. Sam and Gabe are technically like Cas and I but Sam looks at Gabriel differently, visa versa.

I looked over at the stupid Angel only to see him staring at his shoes as if they were the most interesting things in the world with a frown on his face. I bumped into him which made his head snap up and look at me in confusion.

"What?" He asked. I just shrugged my shoulders.

"Nothing, you kinda just zoned out there for a second." I told him. Look, I'm not the kind of guy to listen to sappy love stories, even if they were involving Sam: I'm stubborn like that but, I can still sit and listen and knock some sense into their heads.

"He prayed to me every night, not believing I was gone, saying he would search for me because he had a feeling that I was still alive and well. He would try convince himself not to cry but he did in the end anyway. He would always ask for me to come back to him, and that he knew I had played a trick on the idiots that 'killed' me. It was hard not to show up, but I would. I would watch over him while he slept. But then one day he just stopped. He didn't even mumble my name nor think of me. It might have hurt me, though it was weird because Angels aren't supposed to have feelings and somehow I did."

"Did he know that you were alive?" I asked him, just a bit of curiosity creeping into me.

"I had told him my plan, so yes. But nobody else knew I was alive, besides Cas."

I honestly -to the good heavens- felt like slapping him. Was he that stupid not to at least let Sam know he was safe? And yet again, Cas lied to me.

"You-" I was cut off by my phone ringing, Sam as the ID caller.

"Dean, where are you? You've been gone nearly 5 hours now." Sam said a little too concerned than what he usually was. I stood up and walked Tony door, sitting behind the wheel as I started it up.

"I just ran into someone, thought we could have a little chat. Just don't worry, I am already on my way" I had motioned for Gabriel to sit in shot gun and started the drive back to the bunker.

"Okay, be careful"

"Course I will" I said and cut the call, putting my phone back in my pocket.

"Who was that? They sounded quite worried." Gabe asked , staring down at where I had just put my phone.

"Just your boyfriend asking about you." I joked with a laugh at the end as Gabriel looked at me weirdly but I knew that once he froze and the red tint brightening on his cheeks as the shock of realization had hit him.

"He isn't my boyfriend," he said sternly but shyly which only made me laugh more.

"Yeah but I am sure you would like that"

He hadn't spoken the rest of the way back to the bunker.


"I- he what should I say?!" He whisper-screamed in my ear as we left the garage walking into the kitchen.

"Just calm down and let it all flow."

"Dean, you're back! What took you so lo-?" Sam started but cut himself off as he saw Gabriel.

"Want a lollipop, Sammich?" Gabe asked, easing the tension in the room.

"No, what the hell is wrong with you! You completely ignored me when I prayed to you and asked if you were fine!" Sam started rambling.
"You never answer anything I asked you, you never spoke to me, let me know that you were at least okay or even come by! You were never there!"

"Well, technically I di-" Gabriel had tried to say something but was rudely interrupted by Sam pushing him against the counter, him backing forward but pacing left and right.
"And then you still proceed to walk in here and ask me if i want a lollipop as though nothing happened! What is wrong with you?" Sam stopped in his steps and looked at the dick of an Angel.

"I was bu-"
"Shut up." Sam said moving closer
"But you just asked-"
"I said shut up." He mumbled and grabbed Gabriel's shirt. I thought he was going to throw a punch at him but instead his lips land smack bam on Gabe's lips, immediately going into tongue.

"Well that took an unexpected turn," I heard Cas say from behind me, standing next to mom. She was smiling at them...

"Yeah, i think they might just have sex on the counter right now." And not even a second later I heard Gabriel moan Sam's name.

"Yep, tell me when they are finished." I walked towards the door, lifting my hand in the air as a goodbye wave as I walked to my room.

The Angel That's In Love With You Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora