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It had been a week since Michael showed up with Adam from getting out of the cage. Adam had been stuck in his room nearly all day every day, speaking to himself most of the time. The tension between Michael and the other two Angels had subsided once Michael started looking for Lucifer, landing back at the bunker sometimes all bloody but he wouldn't say why. Maybe along the way he had a few enemies trying to smite him but I wouldn't know.

Gabriel and Sam's relationship was going strong and the sex was more frequent... Whippee-to-me (note the sarcasm)
And then there was mom and Cas. Cas has been acting very strange these past few days. I am not sure what it is but there are always these longing glances directed towards me. Every time I see it my heart speeds up a little although that's only because I know how he feels.
Besides that, mom and Cas still have those nightly conversations and each time they get weirder and weirder. Like for instance last night...


There had been yet another nightmare I woke up to and decided to go get some water since my mouth felt like crap and was all dry. I had walked into the kitchen not noticing the two people behind the counter until my name was spoken.

"Dean, what are you still doing up?" Mom sounded concerned, her brows pulled together with a frown on her face. Castiel was doing that cute (this needs to stop) thing where he squints his eyes with his head tilted to the side almost like he was trying to figure something out.

"Oh no, I am fine. Just need some water." I said but they carried on staring. It made me uncomfortable.

"Carry on with what you were doing, you don't have to wait..."

They turned to each other, speaking quietly bit I managed to listen in on a bit.

"Is it working?" Cas asked.

"Give it a few more days, maybe five. I will have something figured out by then." Mom said back.

"Gabriel said it should work before. It worked with him so why can't it work with us?" He sounded frustrated.

The Angel That's In Love With You Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon