Chapter 11

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                                "Lets call Sky!" Ez said, laying across her bed. Eagerly, she grabbed her phone and looked for his name. Usually Sky can bring life to the party. Right now, we are officially two boring girls, with two lonely unopened brown bags of booze just waiting to be drank from. When she found his name, she called and put him on speaker:


                                 Hey! Its Ez and Hannah! Where you at?

                                                  Drew's house, why?

                              How about y'all come over? We've got two bags just waiting to be opened!

                                                  Be there in 10!

               "Drew?" I asked Ez. I've never heard of Drew.

             "Oh yeah!" She giggled, "Drew is Sky's cousin. He lives in Clearview; about 10 minutes from here. He's really cute! Maybe you'll like him. Way better looking than that loser Joseph."

                          Speaking of Joseph, I wonder if he's okay. Maybe I should call him. Maybe we should talk about what I saw. I don't know, but I can't think about it right now. The boys will be here any minute. Ez, already one step ahead of me, is changing into a really cute outfit. Leopard corset, leather skirt, and bright red heels. She always wears the flashiest outfits. Looking down at my plain Jane sneakers and skinnies, I felt under-dressed.

                        "Dress me!" I pleaded. Ez shot me a sneaky smile, and walked straight to her closet. Something about that look meant trouble, and I liked it.

                     "I know," She said. Peering into her closet, she pulled out a body con black dress. "This would be perfect, with my purple pumps, and silver scarf."

                       I looked pretty damn good, if I say so myself. Every curve was intact, I almost felt like I was naked. Ez grinned in approval, and made me turn around. I heard her gasp, and laughed. Yes, Ez, I look better then you do for once.

                        "PARTYYYYYYYY!!!!!!" Crashed in Sky, who tackled me to the floor. Twisting and turning on the ground under him, I giggled a little too loud. "Hottie! Oh wait, you're not Ez!" He said. Slowly, he got off of me, and his hand grazed my thigh...

                     "Come here, tiger." He winked at me, and turned toward Ez. She was eagerly awaiting her kiss. How odd, I thought, did he mean to touch my thigh? Why did he wink at me?

                   "Drew, meet Hannah. She's my hot best friend. You can look, but you can't touch without my permission." Sky hung all over Ezra's side, strapped to her waist like belt. Drew isn't that bad looking actually. Hair a little too short for my liking, but he can rock it. Those dark brown locks and that mischievous smile made me want to know more about him.

                    We all sat on Ezra's bed and opened the bag. First, a shot for how good we looked. Then, another for the fact that break is around the corner. More and more for silly reasons, and before I knew it we were all trashed. Someone had the idea to play strip poker, and we played until we all stripped down. The next thing I knew, Ez was throwing up, and Sky and Drew were all over me.

                        "Hannah, I've never seen you look so good before."

                        "You''re the hottest girl I've ever seen."

                               "Why don't you kiss me?"

                      Phrases and words were spinning around in my head, and I didn't know who was saying what. I could only hear Ez vomiting, and their compliments. That familiar touch on my thigh was back, except this time it was on my bare skin. Stop, I stuttered. But no one was listening. Sky began kissing my neck, and Drew kissed my lips. This was absurd, wrong, and horrible. Just days ago I shared a kiss with Joseph, now two drunk sleaze bags were all over me. This can't be happening.

                        "Enough!" I yelled, pushing them off of me. Quickly, I grabbed a robe, my phone, and car keys. I've never flew down a set of stairs so fast. I need to see him. I sped down the highway, pulled into my yard, and tried to open the door. Too bad it's locked, and I don't have a key anymore. Great, just great. I walked over to Joseph's house, and knocked on the door. He answered, and peered through the peep hole.

                        "Do you need something?" His cold voice gave me chills.

                       "You. I need you."

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