Chapter 9

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"So who's this Joseph guy you keep talking about?" Mom asked me, opening my curtains to let the sun shine through. She cheerfully walked over to my bed, and stroked my hair.

"Just a guy." I said, swatting away her hand. Why do parents always try to be so touchy-feely? Ugh.

"You've been spending a lot of time with this guy. Remember what happened last time you spent.." She began, stopping mid-sentence to pretend she was crying.

"Cut the act." I replied, throwing my comforter off the bed and onto my floor. She continued to sit there, watching me as I picked out my clothes for school. I'll never understand why parents feel so satisfied bringing up the past all the time.

"I'm just concerned about you, honey." She said, walking up behind me to put her hands on my shoulders.

"What did I tell you about touching me? It's annoying. Leave so I can change." I yelled, sharply pointing my finger to my door. I waited for her to leave, and proceeded to find an outfit. After deciding on a purple halter and black skinny jeans, I teased my hair a little.

I walked into the class room like any other day, waiting for Mr. Jule's lesson to begin. Surprisingly, Joseph wasn't here yet. A taller fellow named Austin, who sat in front of me, turned around to talk. He's a large football player, with a brain the size of a seed.

"How you doin' today, good lookin'?" He slurred, looking me up and down. He was wearing his dark blue football jersey; the one with a large stain on the shoulder.

"Still hung over, I see." I replied, tossing my hair to the side.

"I saw you at the party Saturday. Had fun huh?" He asked, trying to grab my hand. What's up with this sleaze?

"I don't mean to be forward, but pretty much every guy in this school agrees you are the hottest thing in this building. So who's your boyfriend?" He winked, leaning his head a little closer to me.

"Get any closer and you're getting hit." I glared, picking up my phone to text Joseph. He should be here already. He's ALWAYS early.

"Then answer my question, sugar."

"One, I am not your 'sugar'. Two, my boyfriend is Joseph. Three, I'm not interested in you or your nasty guy friends. So why don't you turn around, and leave me alone. Better hope I don't stab this pencil through your stupid little jersey. How's that for school spirit?!" Rolling my eyes, I sent a text to Joseph asking where he was.

"You know your little boyfriend is in his car with Amber Pearson, right?" He asked, throwing his head back.

"Is not."

"Is to."

"Is not."

"Is too! Go check for yourself."

And with that, I stopped arguing with the jock and went outside to the parking lot. I still had ten minutes before school started, so I spent a little extra time looking. Finally, I spotted the back of his car, and slowly approached it. I watched as he walked around to the passenger side, opening the door for... Amber.

He shut the door, oblivious to me and everyone else around him. Gently, she put her right arm around his neck, and pulled him close to her. A soft, radiant kiss was what she gave him, causing his cheeks to turn red and a wide smile to grow upon his face. They turned, and joined hands to walk towards the school. Did I really witness this, or am I dreaming?

I ran to my car, and drove out of the building. There was no way I was staying here today. I drove as fast as I could until I got to Ezra's house. Thank God our old school didn't have school on Mondays.

"Where's Ez?"  I asked her mom, who smiled and greeted me at the door.

"In her room. What's wrong, doll?" Her mother asked me, green eyes glimmering down at me. She had the same caring voice as Ezra did, and wasn't an annoying mom like most moms.

"Boys." I yelled, trotting up the stairs to Ezra's room. I knocked on her door, and opened it to find her still in bed. Of course.

"Ez.." I said, shaking her a little. She began to sit up, rubbing her eyes with a wide eyed expression on her face.

"What's going on, Hannah?" She asked, sliding over to make room for me.

The tears started flooding when I began. I told her everything, from the kiss on Saturday night, not hearing from him all day Sunday, talking to Adam, and the horrific scene. She looked at me apologetically, twisting her hair as I told her.

"I think you need to get rid of him. I knew he was bad luck." She stammered, creeping out of bed to change into normal clothes.

"No you didn't. You called him hot the other night." I said. She threw a shirt at my face, and continued to talk.

"He was changing you Hannah. I say you text him something nasty, and get ready to go to Skate Pac. There are PLENTY of fun guys there."

I agreed, and picked up my phone. Already, it began buzzing with messages. Joseph had asked me three times where I was, and one message said we needed to 'talk'. I sent him a short message, ending whatever fling we once had. Even though it stung, I wasn't going to put up with a cheater.

 We both changed into matching skirts and heels before going to Skate Pac. Sky called and said he was saving us seats, so we took our time getting there. Blasting Tyler, the Creator, we rolled our windows down and sang along. I missed spending time with her; she WAS my best friend.

"Feeling better?" She asked, pulling into the parking spot.

"Yes." I said, smiling at her.

The rest of the day was a blur. I remember we drank some, I flirted with Sky's friend, and we had a little 'party' at Sky's. I had completely forgotten about Joseph until I got home. A letter was left on my bed, telling me he needed to see me. Instead of calling him or going over to his house, I threw the letter in the trash. I don't need him.

With that, I drank my 'last' sip of Jack, and went to bed.

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