Chapter 1

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"Name?" Asked the lady at the front desk. Her square shaped glasses were on the bridge of her nose, and she was staring up at me with her black beady eyes.

"Hannah." I said firmly. This school already bites. The office was a small, box shaped room with a large counter, stacked with papers and pencils. The ticking of the clock was about to drive me up the wall.

"Last name." She said, with a bit of frustration in her voice. Good, I'm annoying her.

"Tomlinson. Spelled T-O-M-L-I-N-S-O-N. Not Tomminson, or Tomlinsooon. Got it?" I smirked at the lady.

"Fill out this form, please." She said, handing me a thick stack of paper.

"Lady, you think I have time to read all this?" I said, taking the pen and signing "Hannah" in bold across the whole paper.

"Here's your schedule. I'll call your parents so they can come to the school to fill this out for you." She said, giving me a mean glare.

My schedule is boring, with all stupid kid classes. I have lunch soon, and the only other period I like is art. Closing the door behind me, I took a glimpse at this school. Being in the middle of no where gave the school a pretty sketchy reputation, but by the looks of it it wasn't half bad. I like the brightly colored brick walls the best, with the dull white floor to compliment it. I was assigned to go to Biology, but I hate science. So instead, I'm going to the bathroom.

"Who the 'eff are you?" Asked a preppy-looking girl as I walked in the bathroom.

"What's it to you?" I asked, looking her up and down. Her blond hair was fading out, revealing the dark brown roots she possessed.

"Look, I don't know who you are, but I'm the Vice President on the Student Committee Board. I can get you sent to the Principal's Office for this." She said, with a smile curving up her face.

When I walked up to her, she got scared. I could sense it in her eyes.

"Does it look like I'm scared of some Principal? I'm definitely not scared of a little brat like you." Pointing my finger at that upturned nose she has.

With that, she ran out the bathroom, leaving her precious make up bag on the sink.

Since she had finally moved, I looked in the mirror. The stupid uniforms the school made their students wear the first month of school suck. The plaid skirt and white shirt make you look like a total whore. The "leggings", which looked like fish net tights, DEFINITELY made you look proper and elegant. And black hooker heals to pair? Seems like the school is training up a bunch of hookers. But of course, I had to change up the uniform. So my heels have red tips, and my skirt's a tad bit short. But my socks look good with the tights, so hey. I'm rocking the dress code.

Until that bell for lunch rings, I'm not leaving the bathroom.

~~~~~ Several hour later. The bell goes off like a fire alarm~~~~

Lunch bell! Success. When I walked in the lunch room, I could tell which tables different groups sat at. The cheerleaders sat at the center round table, because they think they're the center of attention. The geeks sit outside, to keep away from the jocks inside. I found the preppy girl quickly, sitting with a bunch of other girls with matching square lunch boxes. The second her eyes met mine, she quickly turned her head. With her bag in hand, I decided I'm going to the table.

"Hey. I remember you." I said, laughing. She was glancing at her friends for support, with all of them giving me a confused look.

"What do you want?" She said, her hands beginning to shake.

"Just trying to be a nice member of the student body. You left this." I said, tossing her soaked makeup bag at her lunch. The water soaked her sandwich, and perfect granola bar.

"You... You.. Jerk!" She said, with anger piling up.

"Honey, I've heard worse." I said, stomping off victorious. My day isn't going too bad after all.


After the day went by, we left school at one. Apparently you get out early on Monday's. After escaping the kissing couples and stupid guys blocking my path, I got to the bottom of the step and looked for my car. My license was in my back pocket, and I love to drive my pretty little blue mustang. After looking everywhere, I jumped in, and prepared for my speech on the first day to my "perfect" parents.

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