Chapter 2

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The smell of chocolate chip cookies and milk awaited me, along with my mother and father. Mom and Dad could be described as uptight. They expect me to be home at a certain time, have amazing grades, no trouble at school or with the police; basically they don't want me to have any fun.

"Come have a seat." Dad says, in his "parent" voice. He could have been an FBI agent with that voice.

I walked into the kitchen with them sitting there, facing me.

"Tell us about your day!" Mom said, trying to put on a friendly front. I don't know why they're acting like we're one big, happy family.

After dropping my bags, I walked over to them and grabbed two cookies from the counter top.

"Those are for after supper." Dad said, cutting his eyes at me.

"Or now." I said, taking a huge bite out of the cookies. He rolled his eyes, but proceeded to talk.

"Are the teachers nice?" Mom said, folding her hands.

"Sure." I said.

"Did you do as you were told?" Dad asked, checking his watch. I was wasting his time now?

"I wasn't told to do anything." I said.

"We got a phone call from your school." Mom and Dad said.

"They said you were skipping class. You KNOW how important this school is for you. The next step is boarding school!" They yelled at me. The look like pigs when they yell.

Trying to hold back my laughter, I said," Okay. I'm going to get a drink."

"Your staying home tonight." Dad said, holding up my keys he had snatched.


After my shower, I checked my phone. To my surprise, I had several messages:

From: Ezra

Where u at guuuh? We're goin to skate pac!

From: Ezra

Get down here, or ur gonna miss Sky tearin it up!

From: Ezra

I recorded it. Love me (;  Be @ yours in 10!


"He did WHAT?!" I asked Ezra, who was now sitting on my bed, trying to pull up the video.

"He HIT some kid. Apparently the kid called Sky a fag." She said, laughing in unison with me.

"But its true!" I said, smiling. Ezra's black nails pretended to "claw" my face in an attempt to intimidate Sky.

"He would kill you if he heard you say that!" She said, moving her jet black hair from her eyes. Her brown eyes smiled at me.

"I know! Everyone knows he's madly in love.." I said, elbowing her in her rib.

"He does NOT love me!" She said, playfully pushing on me.

"So.. Did you bring me any?" I said, pleading with her.

"Just a little." She said, taking out a bottle of liquor. Even though it only have a few sips left, I was glad.

"This is my last drink." I said, proudly holding up the bottle to my lips.

"That's what you said the last 700 times." She said, winking at me.

Ezra's been my only friend since first grade. In a way, I wish I wouldn't have met her. I was the one, after all, who talked her into drinking and dying her pretty brown hair to a devilish black.

"I mean it for once!" I said, falling back on my bed laughing.

"So what's up with this lame room?" She said, looking around. The room is lame. Pink fluffy bed, purple furniture, and stuffed animals meant for ten year old.

"Go to the animals." I said, pointing out a huge teddy. When she picked it up, the top fell off, revealing my special stuff.

"Stash?" She said, looking down at my left over cigarettes from my first party, my first bottle of liquor, folded money, "hooker" clothes, and random stuff.

"Of course!" I said, walking over to her to put everything back up.

"So.. I hate to say it, but I've gotta get going!" She said, frowning.

"It's fine! Call me sometime!" I said, giving her a hug.

"Have fun with THEM." She said, smirking and walking out my room. She knows how bad my parents aggravate me.

I fell asleep peacefully, after thinking about my first day. I dreamed about walking into school, holding hands with a handsome guy. He kissed me, and said my name so sweetly I was smiling when I woke up. It was so real..

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