Chapter 4

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"Soup or Salad?" The waitress asked me. Her beady black eyes glanced around the packed restruant.

"Salad's fine." I said, handing her my menu.

"And for you, sir?" She asked, smiling at Joseph. This girl needed to back off.

"I'll have "Meaty Zeni Soup" please." He said, handing her his menu. Her name tag read "Sam", and I smirked.

"What kind of name is Sam? Sounds like a boy name." In fact, she looked like a boy. She had a bushy uni brow, and was big boned. Her heels look like they were crying to be free of that whale.

"My full name is Samantha." She said, walking off.

"Hannah! Why are you being mean to her?" Joseph asked, showing off his blue, puppy dog eyes.

Honestly, I don't know why I'm being mean.

"Um, I didn't realise it.." I said, looking down.

"Its okay!" He said, reaching out and touched my hand. I smiled, and asked him.

"So why are we eating at Olive Garden? I thought you wanted to hang out?"

"We are! Then we're going to my house!" He said, laughing. There was something genuine about him.

"So.. Why do you wanna be my friend?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Because, you seem like we would get along great!" He said, grinning.

"Joseph, I'm mean. Your nice." I said, laughing. This kid doesn't know what he's getting into.

After eating, we drove back to his house. I've got to admit, I looked decent. I wasn't super dressy, but I tried to dress up a little. We pulled into his drive way, with the moon glaring. Was it already midnight?

"Up here!" He whispered, pointing to the door upstairs.

His room was messy, but that's not a big deal. It's huge!!

"So your parents don't mind you having a girl over this late at night?" I asked, sitting on his bed.

"Not really." He said, blushing. It was then I realised he's never had a girl in his room, and his parents probably had no clue he ever would.

"So, tell me about yourself!" He said, sitting closer to me. I felt butterflies in my stomach.

"Well.. My name's Hannah. And my parents think I'm a delinquent. I like to party, and I don't have tons of friends." I said, looking at his gorgeous face. OH MY GOSH. There's something wrong with my brain.

"Awesome! I'm Joseph, and my parents hate me. The only time I see them is to get money from them, or on my birthday. They keep to themselves.." He said, looking ashamed.

"That's alright.. My parents hassle me all the time." I said, trying to cheer him up.

"Who's your best friend?" He asked, smiling at me.

"Ezra. She's great!" I said, grinning ear to ear. She's the only person who understands me.. Well, part of me.

"Okay, this is lame.. But, can we be best friends too?" He said, with his eyes pleading. He looked adorable.

"Sure!" I said, without thinking. Whoa, what am I getting myself into?

"Cool! There's something about you Hannah. Something I'm determined to figure out." He said, stroking my cheek. I felt and electric shock when he touched me. What is this?

"Uhh...." I said, trying to get words out.

"Just friends, remember?" He said, sticking his tongue out at me. He thought this was funny.

"You think it's funny to play with my emotions?!" I asked, standing up. He knew he was making me like him.

"No, Hannah! That's not what I meant!" He said, chasing after me. When I opened the front door, the pouring rain greeted me.

"Hannah! Stop!" He said, running after me. I ran as fast as I could, trying to get to my house as soon as I could. We only lived two streets over, surprisingly.

"You've said enough!" I said, trying to catch my breathe. Suddenly, I slipped and fell, slamming my head into the concrete.

Quickly, Joseph caught up to me, getting on his knees to check on me.

"Hannah, are you okay?" He said, brushing back my hair.

"I'm fine!" I said, clutching the side of my head. After moving my hand, I had a hand full of my blood.

"Come here!" Joseph said, picking me up and running as fast as he could to his house. He laid me on the couch, and called an ambulance. Everyone in the neighborhood was awake now.

"Hannah, it's going to be okay!" He said, kissing my bloody forehead, and giving me to the ambulance.

How in the world am I supposed to explain this to my parents.

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