Chapter 3

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With the sun shining and no traffic, it felt good to be on the road. My radio is blasting with the latest songs, and I'm just driving down the road without a care! Everything's great, right? Wrong. The morning started off horrible, with Mom and Dad yelling in disaproval of Ezra coming over last night. They annoy me. But anyways, I pulled into my new parking spot with ease.

After walking by the "best friends" and "hotties", I found my way to my first period. I'm making an effort today. When I walked in the classroom, I felt eyes follow me to my seat. But I'm used to people looking at me with that look. The "you're trash" look. Ugh.

"Good morning Miss Hannah. I'm glad you've decided to join us today." Mr. Jule said to me, walking over to my desk and shaking my hand.

"Yep." I said, looking out the window next to my desk. I'm not big on teachers.

"You're going to need a calculator for this class. Get up and go get one," he said, looking straight down my shirt.

"Yeah? Well you're probably going to need a calculator to total up your hospital bill if you look down my shirt again." I said, looking up a him with anger.

The classes looked at me in amazement, and Mr. Jule began to blush.

"See me after class." He said, sharply turning around to go to his desk.

After passing out a couple of worksheets I finished with ease, he let the whole class leave.. Except me.

"That was not necessary; what you did earlier." He said, taping his pencil on his desk.

"Well you shouldn't be looking down my shirt." I said, cutting my eyes.

"Go." He said, pointing to the door.

Happily, I walked out of the class. Stupid pervert.

"Hannah!" A voice called behind me. I glanced around, but didn't notice anyone.

"Hannah!" It said again, but this time I found the speaker. He was a couple inches taller then me, with black hair.

"Do I know you?" I asked in confusion.

"Yeah! I sit next to you in Jule's class. I've gotta say, that was impressive." He said, nodding his head. Who was this kid?

"I don't remember you.." I said, looking for a way out of this conversation.

"I sit beside you. My name's Joseph by the way!" He said, smiling at me. He has a cute smile.. Wait what?!

"Thanks I guess.. I'm Hannah.." I said, looking at him strangely.

"Tomlinson! I remember. Where were you yesterday?" He asked, carelessly fluttering his pretty blue eyes.

"I.. Skipped." I said, stuttering.

"Well, if you need a friend, I'll do it. I mean, I can be your friend! No.. Uh. What I meant to say is..." He said, looking embarrassed.

"Here. I'm unique. Consider yourself warned." I said, taking out a Sharpe and scribbling my number.

"Awesome!" He said, waving goodbye as he walked into Lit.


All day, I couldn't stop wondering about Joseph. No one had been nice to me since I came here, and I've gotta admit I was a little excited. It's not everyday guys are jumping to be my friend; especially a hot guy at.

When I powered up my phone, I had several messages from Joseph:

From: Anonymous

Hey! It's me! Joseph! Your gonna love this school!

**saves contact

From: Joseph

So, you don't seem prissy like all the other girls here. Tell me about yourself!

From: Joseph

Tomorrow, we're hanging out. My house, after school. End of story :D


Well, that's a bit fast. Why is this guy so attached already? I'm nothing special. After supper, I crawled into bed, thinking about Wednesday. What were we gonna do? I found myself falling asleep, hoping I would have a good friend here.

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