Chapter 6

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"Shut up, Rebeca!" I said, tossing my alarm clock at the wall. My head was hurting worse then a hang over.

After changing into my school clothes and brushing my teeth, I tried to style my hair in the mirror. Those stupid, purple stitches were still very visible. I checked my phone, seeing a couple messages from Joseph telling me to meet him at my locker.

"Hey Hannah!" Random people yelled at me as I walked in the school. I was becoming famous as the girl who "smarted off" to Mr. Pervert. I ignored my followers, and went straight to my locker. I tried to figure out which pose to do; the cocky bad girl, or angry bad girl?

"Morning!" Joseph smiled, showing off his adorable lip ring. I loved that thing!

"Morn." I said, shutting my locker.

"How's that head?" He asked, running his thumb over my stitches. I jumped back in surprise, and slammed into the guy behind me.

"Watch it!" He said, literally growling at me.

"Hey! It's not my fault someone hasn't got laid this week." People around us laughed, making the guy angry so he slammed his locker.

"Let's get to class before you cause more trouble." Joseph said, taking my books from my hand.

We walked into Mr. Jule's class, and I knew he was gonna start with me about my outift.

"Ms. Hannah, please come up here." He said, calling me to the front. The class stared at me.

"What." I said, crossing my arms.

"Your skirt is too short." He said, taking out a ruler and estimating how many inches my skirt was.

"You know what else is too short? My attention span for your class. You're boring." I said, smirking. My classmates laughed, making Jule mad.

"Is that so? Well maybe you'll be better off in detention for a week." He said.

"You think so? Well wanna know what I think? I think our principal would like to hear about your perverted actions towards your female students." I said. The students were in shock.

"That's enough, Hannah. Go to your seat." He said, walking outside to the teachers' work room.

"Nice one!"

"You rock!"

"Can I have your number?!"

My classmates applauded me.

"Hannah.." Joseph said, giving me puppy dog eyes when I sat down.

"What?" I asked. His face was killing me.

"You're gonna get in serious trouble one day.."

"I won't do it again." I said, the words coming out of my mouth quickly.

"Good." He smiled, taking out a pen to write the new notes on the board that Mr. Jule had wrote.

***School Ends***

"Can I drive you home?" Joseph asked, walking with me out the door. I walked to school today, so I decided to let him.

"I'm at a pay phone, tryin' to call home.."

"You like Maroon 5?" I asked him, watching him sing along to the lyrics.

"Of course!" He said, adjusting his mirror. Similiar interest in music.. Hmm.

"So, are we really going to my house?" I asked him, watching him take a left instead of the right turn he should have taken.

"You got me. I'm taking you to a secret place."

"Secret?" I asked, seeing images of a dark forest with blood and dead bodies. I've gotta stop watching these scary movies.

"Yeah! There's a little creek over here!" He said, pulling into the woods. He ran ahead, and I followed him to a small creek, with a little cave. We played in the water for so long, splashing eachother and trying to catch crawdads.

"Get back here!" I yelled, chasing him with my mud filled hand

"You'll never catch me!" He hollared, yelling as fast as he could to the cave!

 I didn't even notice when the sky got dark.

"Ready to head back?" He asked me, laughing at how soaked we were! I was covered head to toe in water, and so was he.

"Sure!" I said, giggling like a child. I had never had this much fun before.

"So you like the creek?" He asked, closing the door after me.

"Yes!" I said, buckling my seat belt. I checked my phone, and noticed I had a couple of messages from Ezra inviting me to go get drunk with her, and it was then I realised it was Friday. Friday is always party night.. But maybe not anymore..

"Something on your mind?" Joseph asked, glancing over at me.

"On Fridays Ezra likes to go party hopping.."

"Oh man! I'm so sorry! I should have asked if you had plans.." He said, sighing.

"No! It's alright! I had a great time. I would rather be with you then her.." I said, not realising I said those words. Did I really mean I liked being with him more?

"I'm flattered. Where am I taking you?" He asked, smiling ear to ear.

"Movie at your house?" I asked, sending mom a message telling her I was going to Joseph's house. I didn't need her calling the cops on me.

We went up to his room and he put on some romance movie. I sat on his bed, and took off my jacket. My tank top and skirt was soaked, so he offered me one of his hoodies and gym shorts. I changed in the bathroom, taking in the scent of his cologne.

"Done?" He asked, beating on the door.

"Yeah!" I said, swinging it open.

"You look cute." He said, walking me back to his room. He locked the door, and I sent Ez a text telling her where I was.

"Thanks." I said. We sat on his bed, until I started yawning.

"You can lay down if you like.." He said, pulling back his sheets. I crawled under them, and he sat at the edge of the bed.

"Not gonna join me?" I asked. I pouted, so he got under too. So there we were, laying in his bed. So innocent.

"This is nice." I said, looking up at his ceiling.

"How?" He asked, turning toward me.

"I've never just laid peacefully with a guy before. I've never actually had fun sober." I said, recalling the times I had thought were "fun." In reality, jumping from party to party wasn't that fun.

"Oh.." He said. I grabbed his arm and put it around me.

"Can I just sleep?" I asked him, curling up in a ball.

"Yes.." He said, not sure how to react to having a girl in his arms. His warmth comforted me, and I yawned a couple times before my eyes started to flicker.

"Goodnight, beautiful.." I heard him say, before I fell into a blissful sleep.

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