Chapter 1: Sasaki Haise?

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Two years ago, I was just that girl who was working at Anteiku and had a regular life

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Two years ago, I was just that girl who was working at Anteiku and had a regular life. Now, I'm a completely different person. A completely different being. I was a ghoul.

My life went crashing down then but with Ayato, he lifted me back up despite of everything.

And I loved him for that.

It was a wonderful feeling to wake up next to him every morning. His comforting warmth and smell always put me in a peaceful place. No matter what, he was always there to protect me.

My eyes opened and I sighed. I placed my arm over his and intertwined our fingers. He pulled me in closer, his nose tracing shapes on my neck. He gently nibbled the skin on my jaw and I giggled. Turning around, I peppered kisses all over his face before planting a sweet kiss on his lips.

He pulled me in closer and nuzzled his nose in the crook of my neck.

"God, I can never get enough of your smell." He sighed contently and close his eyes.

Soon enough, we both had fallen back to sleep.


My eyes fluttered opened and the bed felt empty, Turning to see that Ayato was missing, I sat up. I began to panic but then I heard the shower running. Sighing in relief, I yawned and stretched my achy muscles. Getting up from the bed, I walked to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. The shower turned off and Ayato walked out in his naked glory. He wrapped a towel around his waist and came behind me.

Leaning down, he placed a soft kiss on my cheek and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I love you, baby." Leaning in closer to his glistening wet chest, I smiled. "I love you too."

Letting go of me, he walked into the room and changed into some clothes. Deciding to freshen up as well, I hopped in the shower and washed my hair and skin. After, I moisturized my skin and placed on some grey sweatpants with one of Ayato's t-shirts. I did my hair in a messy bun and applied minimal makeup to my face. Grabbing my slides, I slipped them on and walked down the corridor to the lounging area.

Seeing Ayato sitting on of the bar stools drinking coffee, I walked up to him, standing up on my tippy toes to kiss his lips. He began kissing me more passionately and slipped his tongue into my mouth. Suddenly, we heard someone clear their throat and we turned to see Noro, my beautiful brother.

"Why is that every time I see you two, your swallowing each other?" Blushing wildly, I buried my face into Ayato's neck and giggled.

Ayato chuckled and brought me up to sit on his lap.

"And why is it that every time we're kissing, you come?" he remarked back.

Noro laughed loudly before falling on the floor, clutching his stomach. Tears sprung from his eyes as he tried catching his breath.

"They don't call me Mr. Cockblocker for nothing." before erupting into wild laughter again. 

Ayato and I looked at each other and then at Noro before busting out into tears.

"Dude, you've got serious issues." 

Noro stopped and glared at Ayato and then smiling at me.

"On a serious note, I came to tell you guys some-" 

Suddenly, we heard Eto scream and we all ran to her room. Walking in, I see her on the ground  but she's in her human form. Kneeling down next to her, I touched her shoulder gently.

"Sis, what's wrong?!" Slowly turning to me with tears in her eyes, she cried into my shoulder.

"I just became Japan's #1 best selling author! Isn't this great?" Flopping on my back, I sighed.

"And I thought something was wrong with you." She giggled before pulling me into a hug.

"Love you too, sis." I smiled before leaving the room with Noro and Ayato.

"She's freaking crazy, I swear." Noro laughed at Ayato's remark before nodding in agreement.

Going back to the lounge, I sat on the couch between Noro and Ayato.

"Well as I was saying before we got interrupted... I have some news about Kaneki."

Gasping out loudly in shock, I covered my hand with my mouth. Ayato grasped my other hand tightly in comfort.

"Where is he, Noro? Where did he go?" I blurted out all these questions at once. I was fearful that he was dead because one day, Kaneki had just disappeared from Aogiri without a trace and we searched and searched but always came up with nothing.

Noro sadly smiled at me before touching my shoulder.

"Please don't panic when I said this, okay." I nodded slowly, fearful of what he was about to say.

"Kaneki Ken is gone." A tear slowly ran down my face. "Not as in dead but he isn't the same person we knew before. He's still half-ghoul but he works for the... CCG. Though it seems like he doesn't remember anything about his past life." My body began to shake silently as Ayato held me.


Noro shook his head and took one of my hands.

"His new name is Sasaki Haise."

Tears dripped down my face as Ayato wiped them away.

"Sasaki Haise?"

"Sasaki Haise?"

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