Chapter 8: Yes

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Sitting in the lounge with a bowl of artificial flesh, I slowly ate as Noro stared into space after Ayato and I informed him on our encounter with Haise.

"I need to tell you guys something." Noro's eyes saddened and his eyes wandered over to me. Ayato sat next to me, his foot tapping against the ground and his arms crossed. He was beyond pissed and I could sense the anger rolling off of him in waves.

"What is it?" I placed my bowl down onto the table and I watched Noro' eyes filled up with fear.

I knew he was scared to tell me something and Noro was never scared of anything.

"Remember the day Kaneki disappeared." I nodded my head slowly. It was the hardest day for me because he was like another brother to me. "The truth is he got in a fight with Arima."

I hear a soft gasp from beside me. Turning to look at Ayato, I see his face pale a bit.

"Who's that?" Noro looked at me shaking his head. "The White Reaper. The CCG's most powerful asset and investigator."

"Unfortunately, Kaneki lost to him and was half dead before Arima dragged him away back to the CCG. I saw it with my own eyes."

Shock and betrayal filled my very being and I stood up abrupting, tears shedding from my eyes.

"And you didn't think to tell any of us! How could you, Noro?! You knew how hard it was for me" I paused, trying to swallow and rid of the lump in my throat. "I can't believe you right now."

"Aiko, I'm sorry. I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want you to had gotten any sicker than you were when you found out." He stood up to reach for me but I stepped back. "I just need to be alone right now." I felt Ayato behind me as he spun me around and embraced me.

"I love you." He kissed my cheek and brushed away my tears with his thumb before stepping away.

He knew that when I wanted to be alone, I wanted to be alone so he would give me time to myself.

Going up to the roof, I opened the door to be met by the fresh crisp cool air and I sighed in relief. The wind blew my hair in my face and I could feel the tears start to run down my face.

Standing near the edge of the rooftop, I looked beyond into Tokyo. Looking down at the spot where I stood, I began to vision the memories that Kaneki and I made up here. We would always come up here and chat. We would laugh and do crazy stuff but I messed things up between us. I remembered the one time where I tried pranking him and fell over the edge but that ended up where he started crying and I felt so bad.

The morning on the day he disappeared, we had came up here to watch the sunset and he seemed different. That was when he suddenly confessed his feelings but I rejected him. For the past 2 years, I put the blame on myself for his disappearance.

Tokyo Ghoul: Eternity {Ayato K & Kaneki Ken} DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now