Before the Beginning

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        Louis was a student at Doncaster Highschool along with his bestfriend since year 3, Danielle Wood. They did everything together, saw movies,helped each other with relationships, and they went shopping together. Niether of them have thought about liking the other, untill Senior year, When Danielle has devestating news for Louis, that may change their friendship forever.

Danielle saw Louis hanging out at the park with his mates, and she decided that this would be the best time to tell him the news, considering she was leaving tomorrow. She approached the huddle and as usual, Lou greeted her with a warm hug and "Ello sweets!"  As she had hoped, everyone scattered and she took a swing next to Louis. Looking ot the ground, she muttered;

"Lou...i have something i have to tell you." she kicked a small clump of dirt and watched it break into tiny peices in the air. Louis stopped swinging and had a serious look on his face. This made Danielle even more nervous to tell him because she rarely sees him so serious.

"Dan? Is something wrong?" Danielle took a deep breathe and spoke out.

"My uhhh... my dad got a promotion."

"DANIELLE! That is great! whats the prob-"

"In America." Danielle interrupted. Louis froze, faced forward and lay his head on the chain of the swing. Danielle kept her head down, she hated to see him like this. The only other time he was like this was when his parents divorced, she had vowed that from then on she would never let him be like that again. 

"So we're going to have to mo-"

"When?" He asked with a shaky voice. A tear snuck its way down his cheek as he sniffed. He picked up his head and looked at her. Danielle then picked her head up as well, and also looked at him. He saw that she was crying too. When she caught her breath, she answered.

"Tomorrow." Louis' eyes widened as more tears built up.

"Why didnt you tell me sooner?"

"I just found out yesterday, and i didnt know when the best time to tell you was." Danielle said wiping the tears off her chin. Louis smiled and patted his lap. He didnt seem as upset as expected, that took a huge load off of Danielle's shoulders. She stood up and sat on his lap, putting her arm around his neck. He began pumping his legs, and they started to get height. 

         Danielle eventually fell off the swing,and into the dirt, then Louis jumped off. She chased him around the park, and when it started getting dark, they lay by a pond, skipping rocks. 

"I have something i need to tell you." Louis said as he chucked a rock into the water. Danielle put her pebble down and turned to him. 

"Yes?" She asked laughing. He scootched closer to her, and looked her square in the eyes. 

"All these years weve been the closest of friends, and now your leaving me tomorrow and i dont know if ill ever see you again."

"Ill come back and visit Lou! What makes you think-" He put his hand over her mouth to shut her up. Danielle tends to babble on sometimes. He removed his hand and she kept quiet. He continued.

"But visits arent enough, i need to have you on the same page as me." She was really confused. He took her hand and covered it with his. "I like you Danielle. I like how you laugh. I like your long,blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes and your smile." he took a deep breath. "I like your cute little feet and how you're so short. Dani... I love you."

She raised her eyebrows and smiled big, but that soon turned into an teary eye, quivering lip.

"Look Lou...I love you to death, I do! But right now really isnt the time for a relationship, especially between..... between us." His head faced the ground and he released her hand. At that perfect moment, her cell rang. She picked it out of her jean pocket and slowly answered it.

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