I Dont Care (Liam)

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He hadnt returned any texts from Jordyn for three weeks. She really did like him, but he just didnt understand that if it werent for the dare, they wouldnt have met. 'Wouldnt he be grateful for that?' she asked herself as she sat at her desk doing homework. She soon grew agrivated because she didnt quite grasp the idea of cells splitting, or Mitosis.

"WHAT THE HECK!?" she slammed her pencil on the table and banged her head against the wall. She sat there, staring out the window with her head leaning on the wall for about a half hour. Pondering about what Liam could be doing right now. 'Did he move on? Is that why he doesnt return my texts?' As this ran through her mind, a tear found its way down her cheek.

BUZZZZZ BUZZZZZ her phone vibrated. She pounced onto her bed were it was laying. It was Liam. She answered the phone and tried her best not to sound too excited.

"Hey!" There was a silence on the other line. "Hello? Liam?"

"Yea, hi."

"Oh my god Li, i thought you were never going to call me. I mis-"

"I called to ask you to please..... stop texting me." Jordyn bit her lip, trying to hold back her weep.

"Cant i just explain myse-"

"No. What you did to me was terrible and-"

"Liam! You have to understand!"

"No. Just stop."

"No! Liam listen to me. At first it was a dare yes, i admit that. But as I really got to know you, I really started to like you. A lot." There was a long pause at both ends, then Liam sighed.

"Goodbye Jordyn." he hung up. Jordyn flung back in her bed and screamed in her pillow. She was histerical. No one in her house was dumb enough to go in her room while she was upset, that would be like poking a hybernating bear. She eventually cried herself to sleep.

        Jordyn was awoken by the shaking of her mother.

"What mom? Im not in the mood." She pulled the covers up on her face to sheild her delicate eyes from the sunlight.

"I heard you last night. I thought you might want to go shopping with me to get your mind off of it. And maybe if you want you can talk to me about whatever is happening in your emotionally disturbed teenage life." they laughed and Jordyn swatted at her.

"Ill be ready in twenty."


    After arriving at the supermarket, Jordyn and her mother went their different ways. Her mother directed her to the fruit section to pick out some fresh ones for a fruit salad. As she made her way down the isle of fruit, she saw Liam's mom. She got the chills because she knew that if they ran into each other, his mother would as her about thier relationship. So as she walked along the tables of fruit, she kept her head down, hoping she wasnt too noticable. But as she picked from the fresh apples, someone tapped her shoulder.

"Jordyn?" she turned around and saw Liam's mom standing there.

"Oh hello Mrs. Payne."

"How are you? Hows you and Liam?" she knew she was going to ask that. Jordyn took a deep breath and took a step back.

"I could be better. And uh....I dont know. Havent talked to him for a while."

"Well why not? Is something wrong?"

"Ermmm... No. Everything is fine M'am."

"Okay. Then i guess since you havent talked spoken to him in a while, i suppose you dont know that he has signed up for the X-Factor."

"No, i didnt know that." Jordyn folded her arms in anger. She was a bit upset that Liam hadnt told her this. "When does he go on?"

"He goes on in three days. You should come." Jordyn thought about going, but then she remembered he wanted her to leave him alone.

"I...I cant. Im busy that day. But tell him i said good luck, i guess." Jordyn turned and walked away. She loved him so much, and the fact that he hadnt even told her he could sing boggled her mind. Even though he was mad at her, she still believed he should have at least told her about it when they were dating for the one day. 'I guess ill just have to let him go' she thought. Was she really going to just forget about him?

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