Some Things Never Change

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Before we pulled on the street of the place they were holding auditions, i covered his eyes so that he could only see the road.

"Im gonna crash!" 

"No no no! trust me. Now make a" We pulled into the parking lot and i directed him into a close parking spot. I took a sock from my bag and tied it around his eyes so he couldnt see.

"Dont take it off now. Okay?" i said as i knotted the back. He nodded unsurely, and i laughed.

We made our way into the building, and sat in the waiting room. Loud chatter filled the room of the nervous, pacing contestants.

"Where are we Sam? Why are there so many people here?"

"Shut up Niall. Stay patient. Soon." He was obviously growing impatient, and excited at the same time. He must think we are at some kind of airport, and i am about to tell him i got tickets to Hawaii or something. He would never guess we were at the X-Factor auditions. Finally, after waiting about two hours a man came over and whispered in my ear that it was time for Niall to get ready. Good thing too becasue i was running out of ideas to keep him occupied. I stood him up and lead him to the back room where I would reveal his surprise.

"Okay, ready?"

"YES! I was ready about three hours ago!" I reached behind him and unknotted the sock. I pulled it from his eyes and i dont think he quite knew where we were, exactly. He squinted from the light, then it must have clicked in his head where we were.


My vision was kind of blurry at first from the blinding lights, but then i realized where I was. I didnt say anything. I was so confused, why are we here?

"What are we doing here, Sam?"

"Youre here to audition for the X-Factor! Surprise!" 

"WHAT!?" I loved to sing, yes, but i didnt plan on doing anything with it. I mean, i peed myself at my first grade "Im a Tasty Veggie" play, and i was a cucumber! I cant believe she would do something like this behind my back. I didnt say a word, no 'thank-you' or anything. I shook my head in disagreement and stormed into a  small room with a mirror and some extra clothes, and stage lights. A dressing room i assumed. I sat down in a black leather couch on the side of the room, questioning myself. 

'Should i go out there? What do i say to Sam if i do?' I knew i couldnt stay in here forever, so i stood up and headed toward the door. Then, it flew open before i could turn the doorknob. It was Alessia. I stood there speechless for a second, well what was i supposed to say? She dumped me because she thought i was cheating! She didnt seem to know what to do either.

"Hey Alessia." She put on a fake smile.

"Hi Niall." I dropped my hand from the doorknob to my side, and let out a deep breath of air.

"What are you doing here? You auditioning?"

"No i work here. Excuse me real quick." She slipped past me and the doorway and gathered a bunch of wires in her arms. WORKS HERE!? Now i definetly cant audition, cause if i get have to see her every day. That would be awkward with a capital 'A'. "Well what are you doing here?" 

"Oh im.... i dont know." I said not wanting to tell her that Sam was here too. She stood up and huffed some air to lift her bang away from her eyes.

"You dont know why youre here?" She smiled. She used to laugh at my stupid excuses, i guess some things never change.

"Well, i...i do but...." I stepped into the room helping her with the wires seeping from her grasp. "Im signed up to audition today." She cocked her head and squinted her eyes.

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