Changing My Mind

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I was sitting on my couch watching the X-Factor. I felt bad not supporting him or anything, but it made me feel not quite a bitch if i watch it on the telivision.

"Did he come on yet?" Lana asked as she plopped next to me with a bowl of popcorn.

"Popcorn, really? We are watching my ex on tv, not a romantic comedy." I said raising a brow at her. She shrugged as she shoved a handful of buttery popcorn in her tiny mouth. Half didnt make it in and it dispersed all over the floor. "Smooth move ex lax." I giggled as i picked the dropped popcorn off the floor. I got up to throw out the 'floor-corn' and Lana freaked out.

"JORD! Hes on! Hes on!" I turned and sped into the living room, dropping almost every piece of popcorn on the floor again when i tried to quickly toss them into the garbage. I leaped over the back of the couch and fell perfecty on a cushion.

"Ill be singing Cry Me a River"  wow, he always sounded so proper. I was really hoping he sounded good so that i could be proud that i dated him. As soon as he began singing, my mouth dropped. And so did Lana's. We turned to each other wide-eyed and extremely surprised. I shot my attention back to the screen to watch him sing, and he was just....incredible. If he doesnt pass on then nobody could. 

"Did you know?" Lana asked as she slowly dug her hand into the bowl, rustling the kernals around. I grabbed her arm stopping the annoying noise, and shook my head.

"No....I did not." Just then he stopped and i instantly stood and clapped, even though he couldnt hear me.

"Shhh shhh stop. Theyre gonna judge now!" Lana snapped as she pulled me back down on my butt. 

"YESS!" I cheered when Simon said he was really proud of Liam. But then my exitement faded when the other two judges said no. 
"WHAT....THE...AHHHHH!" Lana slammed the bowl onto the coffee table and folded her arms in her chest. Still astounded by the disappointment with my mouth dropped low, i faced her. "Sorry." she shrugged. "I get really into these shows."

I jumped to my feet and ran to the door, grabbing my coat from the coat rack.

"Where are you go-"

"Ill be right back. Tell my mom i went to get...uhmm" I rushed intot he kitchen to grab the car keys, then ran backwards out the door. "Milk. We needed milk." I slammed the door and started the car.


I cant believe i didnt make it. Simon thought I was great, and i guess thats all the really mattered.

"Sorry Li." Mum said as she pulled me into a tight squeeze. When she released me i shrugged it off, and walked towards a hallway. I aimlessly strolled down it, seeing contestants getting ready. 'At least they still have a chance' I thought. Just then i saw a scruffy, blonde-haired kid racing towards me. I quickly dove into a door, pushing it open, and falling to the ground outside. Hmm, an emergency exit door, how convenient. I pushed my hands into my pockets and was hunched over as i strolled the side parking lot, i guess it was for the workers who worked here because there were very few cars compared tot he main parking lot. I pulled myself up on a tall wall to look over at the front parking lot. So much hope walking out of those cars right now, i could feel it in the air.  I jumped down and continued walking around the boutside of the building. There was a slight breeze, so i shivered at it as it crept up my back.

As i neared one corner of the building, screams grew louder. I turned the corner and saw a huge line of people, mainly girls, screaming and pushing one another. 'What are they here for?' I asked myself. I walked up to the wide, tall, black body guard blocking the girls from another door leading into the building.

"Whats going on?"

"These fans want in, but dont have tickets. They cannot get in without either a backstage pass, or a ticket."

"Oh...well can i get back in? I need to find my mum."

"Got your contestant number?" I twisted back and pulled out my number from my back pocket, and held it up to his face. He nodded and stepping back into the door so it opened.

"Thanks man. And good luck" I took one step in the door, and heard someone shouting my name from behind.

"LIAM!" I stopped and turned quickly around.

"LIAM!" I peeked my head out the door. I hope the guard sees me so he doesnt slice my head off.

"LI...LIAM!" Just then i saw a girl pushing her way through the crowd. Finally, she got to the velvet ropes and flipped her hair up away from her face. 

"Jordyn?" I said under my breath. I stepped back outside and stood a few feetaway from the velvet ropes.

"Liam...." She threw one leg over the rope, but then the burly guard scolded her. I rushed up to him and told him she was okay, that she was with me.

"Thanks." She said as i helped her climb over the rope. 

"No problem." I smiled and lead her inside. 

Once in, we sat on a couple of speakers that werent being used, and were stored in a room.

"What are you doing here?"

"I was watching you on TV, and when you got two no's, i rushed over here."

"But...But why?" I stood up and paced to the other side of the room, and back.

"Look," She now stood and was slowly creeping closer to me. "Heres the truth." She took a deep sigh. "At first, yeah it was a dare from my friends to go sit by you. But it was my own choice to go with you on your date, and to...." We were face to face now. Her still heavy breathing from plowing through the crowd was warming my neck.

"To what?" i smiled. I had an idea of what she was going to say, i just wanted to hear it from her.

"It was my unconcious choice to fall in love with you." I grabbed her hands, and wrapped them around my neck.

"Well miss Jordyn Costello...." I tilted her chin up to mine with my thumg, and kissed her. She kissed back, and i swear there were fireworks exploding everywhere inside me. Especially my tummy. She gave me butterflies. We pulled away from the long kiss, but were still inches apart.

"I love you too." She smiled and pulled my lips back into a snog. 


I didnt flinch, or pull away from the kiss when i heard my name. We continued at it. Then, she pulled away biting her lip and had a half-smile on her face. 'WOW. And to think shes all mine' I said to myself.

"You should get going Liam. They called your name yah know."

"Yeah. I know." I held her hands and interlocked our fingers. "Ill call you afterwards okay?" She tilted her head again and leaned slowly into my face.

"Okay." She pecked my lips, and turned to start out the door. She dropped my hand, pushed the heavy door open, smiled at me one last time, and left.

"Okay!" I said jumping and clapping my hands. "Where am i going again?" I wondered out into the hallway again to find my way to the waiting room.

Before the BeginningМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя