What Did I Do? (Niall)

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A week passed and throughout that week, Sam realized that things became hostile between her and Alessia for some unknown reason.

"Hey Niall!" Sam hollered out her window when she saw him rushing out of his front door to his car. She noticed he was walking all tense-like. She ran out of the house and across the street toward his idle car and ran around to the passenger side. 

"Hey Nialler, whats up?" she asked panting as she climbed into the car. She noticed his eyes were bloodshot and a dry tear was crusted to his chin. He had his hands clenched tight on the steering wheel and he stared out the windshield. He sniffled and that was the only sound made for a few minutes. She sat straight up and turned toward him.

"Niall, you know you can tell me anything. Whats the matter? Has it to do with-" 

"Alessia." he cut her off. She slumped back down into the seat.

"Why? You both really liked each other." she asked bravely. He seemed like he was going to turn and just push her out of the car, so she was ready for anything to be thrown at her. He took a deep breath in and slammed his forehead on the wheel. 

"She dumped me." Another long silence occured. Then he spoke again with a groggy voice. "You wanna know why?" He lifted is head and looked at her. His face was full of hatred, but why? Sam nodded curiously.

"She thought something was going on between us. You and me." 

"Oh, im sorry Niall."

"Yeah, you should be." Sam's mouth dropped open and her eyes squinted.

"And thats my fault how?"

"Its......I DONT KNOW!" he shouted. Sam reached for the keys in the emission and took them out. The car stopped. Niall dropped his head in his hands and Sam rubbed his back awkwardly.

"Come on bud, ill make you a smoothie and warm up some hot wings." he lifted his head and smiled. He then hugged Sam.

"Thanks, for being there even when i scream in yer face."

"No problem, now get out of the car. Where were you planning on going anyway?"

"I...I have no idea." They laughed as they stumbled out of the car.

As she is gathering ingredients from the refrigerator droors for a fruit smoothie and Niall sat at the counter. He then began to sing.

"I tried so very hard not to lose it. Ive came up with a million of excuses. I thought i thought of every possibility, hmmm. And i know someday itll all turn out youll make me work so we can work to work it out. Aaaaand i promise you kid that i give so much more than i get. I just havent met you yet."

"Wow, Niall your really good." She said as she bobbled bananas and a box of strawberries. They plopped on the floor and she just stared at them for a moment. Niall bursted out in laughter.

"Have you ever thought of doing something with your voice?" she said as she picked up the bruised fruit from the floor.

"Na. I dont want to sing for a living. I mean..." He stood and walked over to her to help her with the fallen fruit scattered on the ground. As he kneeled to the ground he continued.

"Like... I want to be involved with music, but i dont feel confortable singing. You know, in front of big crowds. Actually any size crowd isnt favored." 

After finally gathering the droppings, they threw them out the window for the squirrels, birds, etc. Sam blended bananas, blueberries and pineapples together to make a delicious smoothie for Niall. Then after warming up some leftover wings from the other night, the two of you sat in front of the television and watched X-Factor auditions.

"Hey, next town their coming to is onlyan hour away, wanna audition?" Sam asked. Niall looked at her with a raised eyebrow as if saying 'Are you kidding me?' without words. She giggled because Niall had buffalo sauce all over his face. He then licked his lips with his toungue and rose to go to the bathroom to wash up. Sam rushed over to a computer to sign Niall up. He had to go to auditions tomorrow, he couldnt turn it down and possibly destroy a succesful future for himself. She sent the form and rushed back to her seat before he came back.

The next day Sam woke up on the couch. She looked around and saw that Niall was asleep on the couch next to her. She checked the clock and saw it was already eight-o-clock.

"NIALL! WAKE UP NOW!" she shouted in his ear. He spazzed out and fell onto the floor. 

"Whaaaaaaaaaaaat?" he whined as he rubbed his hip that he had fallen on. 

"You gotta get showered and dressed. NOW! Come on get up now, go, go, go, go." she ordered. Niall sat up with a cunfused look on his face.

"Whats going on?"

"Youll see. Come on you gotta drive me somewhere!"

An hour passed and they were in the car and ready to go.

"Can you tell me where you are taking me now?" Niall said as he opened his car door.

"No. just get in the car."  She knew he would be so thankful for this. That it would keep his mind off of Alessia.

"Well i dont know where im driving to. Want me to drive through the woods or something?" he joked.

"No you turd!" She punched his arm playfully. "Ill direct you." Niall uneasily started the engine and drove off, not knowing he was driving towards his possible future.

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