Cold in the cave

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(A/n it's the closest pic I could get for what o wanted no they aren't a cuppple.....yet)
(Artys p.o.v)
So it's December and there a lot of snow. To a lot of kids this is awesome because no school. Not so much to me because the zeta tubes are down because the cave is surrounded by 10feet of f**king snow. So I'm traped here with only shorts and tank tops because I'm out of clean warm clothes. Did I mention I'm trapped in here with Wally. Well I am. So I'm freezing and traped in the cave with the most annoying person on earth. (/My crush) I got tired of staying in my room so i went to the TV room to see surprisingly no Wally flipping thru chanles.  So I sat down put on some fan made flash series and wrapped myself in a burrito. Wally came out later in a red sweatshirt and jeans.

(Wally's p.o.v)
First thing I see when I leave my room is the ever famous..... Artemis. Sure she's hot and I have a crush on her but.....actually maybe I can make my move. I on the other side of the couch and noticed she was only in a tank to and the middle of December on the coldest day of the year. "You ok arty" she glared at me. "No I'm freezing and this is the only thing I have to wear" I rolled my eyes. "Well being a speedster i can help" I spotted closer to her. She jist rolled her eyes so I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her right next to me. She snuggled closer to me. "Why the hell are you so hot?"  I pulled her closer and smirked "that's how I always am...since when do you flirt?" She started blushing like crazy and I nearly jumped "HOLLY S**T YOU ACUALLY LIKE ME!?!?!" Ok never mind I did jump. She stared at me then looked away "ok maybe I do but you've got eyes on Megan" I sat by her again pulled her by me and lifted her head up to face me. "Arty it's ok I like you to I never had a crush on Megan I was just making you jealous." She looked away again "yeah right" I turned her head towards me again "seriously do arty" I then pulled her into a kiss

(Both pov)

(A/N) Heres the one shot I promised hope you guys like give suggestions. Also cheek my bio I found my aunt thru wattpad you guys need to cheek her out
skyler_west she's boss

(Doubble A/n) Hold up i just found this as a draft..i swear i posted this along time ago..if i didnt then here ya dumb am i?

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