What's Dead Can Never Die

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~~~~Josh's P.O.V~~~~ (finally lol)

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Brian yelled

"Oh.. uhh, I forgot about him.." I akwardly chuckled while Oli sent me a death glare.

"Looks like you're in deep shit baby" Oli sighed, letting me go and stepping back.

"Come on, if he tries to castrate me you have to protect me" I joked pulling Oli behind me by our linked hands.

"Uhh hey Brian.. look.. I can't be with you anymore.. sorry?" I said. Dear lord, I'm horrid with breakup's.

"What do you mean you can't be with me?! Your MY boyfriend" Brain yelled.

"Look... I just.. I don't love you.. I love this big hunk of British over here" I said pulling Oli so he stumbled up next to me.

"So it was you!? You're the one that stole my man!? This is pathetic, even for you Sykes. And really Josh, You didn't look like the type to down grade! But I'll kick his ass in a second and then you're coming with me!" Brian scoffed, cracking his knuckles.

Then in one quick movement Oli had let go of my hand and was lifting Brian into the air by the collar of his shirt. "LISTEN TO ME RIGHT FUCKING NOW YOU LITTLE FUCKING CUNT! YOU GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE AND YOU LEAVE ME! AND JOSH ALONE! BECAUSE IF I EVER SEE YOU AGAIN I WILL SLAM YOU INTO THE FUCKING GROUND LIKE YOU DESERVE! YOU STUPID FUCKING NO GOOD PIECE OF SHIT!" Oli screamed into his face before let Brian drop to the ground on his back, spitting on his face.

"let this be a warning to you. You Don't mess with me or my love." Oli said, coming over to me, his face calm and carefree once again as he wrapped his arms around me.

"You haven't seen the end of me Sykes! I will fucking get you and then Josh, your next! I Have my ways, so don't EVER think your safe!" Brain yelled and then walked off in the oposite direction.

"Ohhhh, I'm so scared!" Oli mocked.

We walked back to the Bring Me The Horizon tour bus and cuddled up in Oli's bunk. And I tried not to think about it.. but something about what Brain said got under my skin. I don't know why but I was scared... ehh, I'm proubly just paranoid. But I let all of those thoughts escape my mind as I nuzzled my head into oli's chest.


Hey guys! So there will be a longer chapter tomarrow! C: but till then! don't forget to comment, add to library, vote and share! ♥ oh and if you can guess what song the title is from you will get mention and a part in this story!


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