Chapter 1 - Harry who?

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"Thank you! Have an amazing day!"

"Goodbye, Taylor!"

I thank the workers as they drive off in their delivery truck, wondering if the tips I pressed into their palms were generous enough. Shrugging it off, I grin as I turn to face the front door of my brand new house.

Letting out an excited squeal that just can't be contained, I swing open the door and run in, spinning around in the delightfully large hall. I've never had this much space before, but a few months ago, my father's - extremely rich - mother, Josephine Swift, passed away. I had never met the woman, but I was written into her will, and inherited a massive sum of money, much more than enough to move out of Nashville, the city in which I was born and raised, and all the way across the country to New York City.

Not that I don't love Nashville, it's just that I had always dreamed of moving to New York and 'making it big'. So here I am, with my brand new house in NYC.

I take a seat on one of the dozens of unpacked cardboard boxes sitting in my still empty entrance hall, sighing contentedly and looking around. The pale wooden floors are shining, reflecting all the lights hanging from the chandeliers mounted on the high ceiling. Sliding glass doors lead to the spacious kitchen and glamorous first floor bathroom

Light pours in through the wall-sized window opposite the long marble staircase leading to the second floor. The uplifting sunny day outside reflects my mood as I finally set to unpacking. A few minutes go by before I find myself glancing at the house directly opposite mine.

I straighten up to get a better look at it. Instantly, I can tell, even from where I'm standing, that it's much, much larger than mine. In fact, it's much larger than all the houses on the street. It stands out, looking more expensive than the houses surrounding it.

Ignoring the curiosity building up inside of me, I focus on opening boxes and unpacking until the day's end.

* * *

I wake up to the blissful sound of birds tweeting, and instantly a huge grin spreads across my face.

Let's go make some dreams come true. I open my eyes to see broad daylight streaking through the curtains. I scramble out of bed, yawning as I drag my feet to the kitchen. Yanking out some cereal, I start to make a mental list of all the things I want to get done today.

1. Bake some of my signature chocolate chip cookies for the neighbors.
2. Make friends with the neighbors.
3. Buy some toothpaste from the pharmacy.

I repeat the list in my mind as I pour some milk, smiling proudly at just how organized I'm being. I shovel down my cereal as fast as I can, figuring that I'll need as much time as I can get to bake a huge batch of chocolate chip cookies.

* * *

Hair freshly washed, I bolt down the stairs, phone in hand, and out the door, somehow managing to balance the mountain of cookies I've stacked onto a plate in my arms. I push the door open with my elbow, squeezing through the tiny gap before teetering down the porch steps. My smile is larger than ever as I scan the neighborhood, searching for the nicest looking house to start with.

Obviously, the house that I turn to first is the one right opposite to mine. Now that I can see it in broad daylight, it looks even more stylish and expensive than it did last night, with giant glass windows clearly lining it's second and third floors and a huge garage with two polished Maseratis parked neatly inside.

I clamber up the front porch steps after slipping my phone into my back pocket, meaning I can hold the plate of cookies with both hands, and put my biggest, most obliging, neighborly smile on my face. As I reach the front door, I realise that the light in the upstairs bedroom is on, so obviously someone's home.

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