Chapter 12 - Friendly Advice & Stupid Mistakes

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The next few days seem to crawl past. I spend my time baking ferociously; I figure it works as some sort of a therapy for me; and catching up with some of my old friends back home. I'm currently on the phone with one of my closest friends from Nashville; Lena; but I stupidly forgot just how much she likes to talk.

"-and I was just like 'oh my GOD, of course you should go out with him, he's like, SO HOT' and then Lily goes 'oh no, but what if he doesn't like me that way' and I go 'if he doesn't like you THAT way then what way does he like you?!' and she goes 'oh I dunno'-"


I finally get a word into her persistent ranting.

"Look, I need your advice on something."

There's hardly a moment of silence before her excited voice rings through the phone.

"OH YAY! I GET TO GIVE YOU ADVICE AGAIN! It's just like old times!"

I laugh.

"Ok, so-"

I shift on the couch.

"-There's this guy who lives opposite me; Harry, right, and I dunno, I just can't seem to...figure him out. It's like one second he's acting as if he'd rather be anywhere else in the world than with me... but then other times it's like...ugh I don't know he's just very difficult."

"Mm, yeah, I totally know the feeling. Remember that boy Aiden, from high school? Man, I thought he was so worth my time but then I said one word to him and realized he was a complete and utter DOUCHEBAG!

I giggle, recalling the very first boyfriend she had in middle school. She did actually end up dating that guy later in the year- well, until he cheated on her with her own sister.

I realize we've strayed from my problem again.

"So, anyways-"

"-Wait, let's go over the basics first."

I nod.

"Is he hot?"

Smiling, I reply.

"Yes. Very."

"Ooh, describe him."

I can almost see her grinning face on the other end of the line.

"He's got really long, dark curly hair and green eyes-"

"-oh, you are a sucker for green eyes."

I roll my eyes affectionately.

"Is he fit?"

"Um, yes-"

"-How d'you know that, hmm? You've seen him naked already?-"

"-OH GOD NO! Ugh, he just hardly buttons up his shirts, that's all."

I can feel my cheeks burning.

"Mm, okay then..."

She sounds doubtful, but giggles it off anyways.

"Anything else to tell me, Ms. Swift? Or are there no more hotties for me to know about?"

"Well, there was this cute blonde from next door-"

"-well, you are just working your way round the neighborhood aren't you?-"

"-But he's a massive clinger."

I hear her obnoxiously loud laugh through the phone.

"Massive, huh? Turning British now, are we?"

Her appalling English accent sends me into a fit of giggles.

"Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention, Harry's British too."


She squeals excitedly and I can't help my grin,

"Well, I gotta go meet Jack now, but talk soon, 'kay?"

"Cool, see ya!"


She yells as I hang up the phone. She's referring to her fiancé, Jack Antonoff, of course. I've always been so envious of their relationship. They're such a 'frolicking-on-the-beach-hand-in-hand-type couple' and I honestly can't remember the last time I had a relationship remotely like that.

Suddenly, a car door slams outside, and I glance up from my phone long enough to see a wisp of blonde hair through the window beside me. Without thinking, I drop my phone and leap to the front door, grabbing a random bag of trash and yanking the door open. I try my best to look casual and cover up my slightly heavy breathing as I saunter down the porch steps.

Wow. I don't think I've ever been so desperate and lonely that I've actually timed my trash-throwing-away so that I can run into my sorta-ex. But then again, that's probably quite a rare situation anyways.

And just like I expected him to, Jason glimpses up from the trunk of his car, which I assume is full of groceries because of the three huge plastic bags dangling from his wrists, just in time to see me shaking my head at how pathetic I am.


He calls, trying almost as hard as me to sound casual.

"Oh, hi Jason."

I reply, smiling as his big brown eyes gaze back into mine.

"Hey, uh-how are you? I haven't seen you round recently... y'know, since-"

"-Oh, yeah, yeah, good. You?"

I cut him off, and his mouth hangs open for a second.

"Oh, yeah, same old, same old."

He calls, laughing nervously. I roll my eyes as I turn to dump the trash.

"Hey, Tay."

He waddles over to me with the shopping bags clutched awkwardly in his hands.

"...Could you come in for a sec? I just...wanna talk."

He gestures towards his open front door.

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