Chapter 10 - Spill Your Guts

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"-when the rain starts to fall! I'll be there for you, like I've been there-"

I switch off the TV without a second thought at the first ring of the doorbell. This time, though, I don't bound down the stairs like I normally would, because I'm pretty sure Harry will have already made himself at home like he did the last time he came round.

Just as I predicted, I come downstairs to see Harry laying scruffily across my sofa. My breath catches in my throat when I see that even more of him is visible now that he has one arm hanging over the edge of the sofa and the other typing on his phone.

His chest is tanned and toned, with defined abs plus a glorious six pack. Dear God.


I breathe, and he turns just long enough to offer me one of his rare smiles. Wow, I wish he would smile more often...

"Well, come on then."

He says, shuffling so he sits cross-legged on the couch. He pats the space beside him. I sigh, but join him nevertheless.

"Ok, you first."

I say, shifting so I face him.


He says tauntingly, waggling his finger in front of my nose childishly. I can't help but giggle at this action.

"No, you first. I want to know about Mr. pretty boy from next door."

Heart fluttering, I piece together how I'm going to phrase this.

"So, the other day after you left, Jason asked me to go out with him and I agreed-"


I sigh.

"Because he seemed super sweet and... I dunno, I didn't have a reason not to say yes."

For some reason, I direct that last statement at Harry. I assume he didn't notice because he doesn't say anything else after that, so I continue.

"And he was really sweet and nice like I predicted, but then..."

"-Then what?"

"Let's just say that after that date he, uh, got the wrong idea...?"

I scratch my head awkwardly, hoping that's enough to satisfy his curiosity. But obviously it's not, and he simply raises his normally furrowed brows in amusement. His glittering green eyes stare into mine for a few seconds, and I can't help but gaze back longingly. I swear, if he doesn't say anything at this very moment I'll lean in right now and-

"Not good enough."

His pink lips curl up into a smirk, and since I remain silent, he adds to it by nudging me with his elbow; another action he seems to have become fond of.

"Fine, fine, stop it, I'll tell you."

He stops nudging me and grins as I inhale deeply, hesitating to spill everything to someone who I highly doubt cares enough about me to be understanding afterwards.

"We slept together- and then I woke up to at least 10 missed calls from him, and when I called back, he started gushing about how he couldn't stop thinking about me and had never felt anything like how he felt about me before and...umm, oh yeah, he said that we were perfect together and that we were going to be 'together forever'."

I finish with an exasperated sigh, pressing my hand to my forehead as I recall the incredibly one-sided phone call that went down this morning.


Harry looks a little less amused than before, but he still looks far from caring or understanding.

"What you saw this morning was me simply asking him to slow down a bit, but considering how he reacted, I highly doubt we'll be talking for a while."

Harry exhales loudly. I try to smile widely, hoping this shows I'm over the subject and therefore we can move on.

"Right, now it's your tur- hey, when did you get that?"

I notice Harry's nibbling on one of my latest baking creations; a peanut-butter cookie with cute vanilla icing.

"Whilst you were ranting."

He simply replies, before taking a bigger bite and chewing it loudly. I smile genuinely at how undeniably adorable this looks, although he'd probably stab me if he told him that, so I just grin away to myself as he swallows.

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