Chapter 17 - Innocent

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"Taylor? Hey, TAYLOR! TAYLOR!!"

The smile drops from my face, Harry's laughter also fading out as he realizes who's now sprinting up behind us.


"Why haven't you texted me back yet, cuddle muffin?! I've texted you at least twice now, sugarplum, and I-"

He freezes as he sees who's standing beside me.

"Oh, I see you have company..."

He clears his throat and rolls his eyes obnoxiously, causing me to fold my arms across my chest.

"Well, when you get time, boo boo bear, hit me up so we can...y'know...again, yeah?"

He smirks, stepping closer to me with a flirty sparkle in his large eyes. I start to nod slowly like I always do when I actually mean absolutely not, but am suddenly interrupted by a strong arm wrapping around my shoulders, and Harry's rock hard chest sliding so it's inches from mine.

"Oh, yeah! Yeah, she definitely will. I've just been keeping her on a rather tight leash, now, 'aven't I, baby?"

He chuckles, his accent sounding heavy as it bounces off of the sleeping houses of the street. A chill runs over my body as he says this. Suddenly, his fingers trace under my chin in feigned adoration, and although I know it's all just an act so Jason finally 'gets the hint', I can't help but take this rare opportunity and play along. I place my hand on his chest, giggling along with him.

"Mhm, yeah, totally...but we will talk soon, Jason."

I nod enthusiastically, sending him a rather pitying smile.

"We'll see ya, buddy."

Harry raises a hand in a wave before we both turn away and exhale loudly, scurrying away from a stunned Jason whilst both withholding our triumphant giggles.

"Oh- my- GOD!"

I manage to puff out in between wheezes as we turn the corner, finally out of earshot of Jason. Harry has his hands on his knees and is laughing profusely at how successful his little idea was.

"You. Are. Welcome."

He puffs, waggling a finger in my face as I turn away again, realising we've ended up turning the corner just to stand before a massive park that instantly resembles something from my imagination.

Everything in my brain just fades away as I stare at the beautiful view lain out before me.

I stare at the running fountain situated in the centre of the park, the gorgeous array of flowers framing the miniature statues scattered across the luscious green grass, and even the deep brown glazed benches laying perfectly underneath the gigantic willow tree get their own loud gasp.

"Well, you're easily impressed."

Harry comments unnecessarily, and I reply lightly as I twirl around.

"No, not really. I just appreciate pretty things, unlike you."

I say accusingly, taking a seat on the edge of the fountain and smiling immediately as I gaze down into it and see my own blue eyes and flushed cheeks staring back at me. Soon enough, Harry's handsome reflection appears next to mine, before his back swallows it as he sits down next to me.

"You know, your accent gets stronger whenever you get protective."

He looks at me confusedly.


"Like yesterday when you were talking to those three men, and today when you were scaring off Jason...your accent sounded much heavier. Did you know that?"

I remark lightly, gazing around the park for the millionth time. He just stares at the side of my face, looking completely stunned.

I mean, I get it's a little past my usual bedtime, but I'm pretty sure that last statement made a decent amount of sense...

"How is it...that you're so...?"

I turn to catch his gaze, determined not to get offended and start crying again if he happens to say something blatantly rude.

"...innocent? And...completely happy to live alongside other people and just- just get along with everyone? All the time?"

I listen intently, my eyebrows furrowing slightly at this random, insightful question. Thankfully, he elaborates.

"Like, you'll...babysit neighbours' children, and- and date men who don't deserve you, and you'll even put up with people insulting you, or grabbing you, or- or making you cry...and you can just... forgive them instantly..."

The words seem to flow easily as he gestures around frantically, and I can almost see the emotions clouding his vibrant eyes and filling his deep voice with feeling, and although I try desperately not to interrupt this explosion of emotion, I've soon heard enough.

"-Hey, hey, stop, it's just...honestly, it's just...kind of how I've always been...?"

I try to explain what I mean, but I just can't seem to, so instead I settle on gazing at him in silence, flattery making my heart beat at a million miles an hour simply at the fact that he actually noticed all these things about me and somehow managed to keep them bottled up inside.

Soon my gaze travels down from his eyes to his right hand, which I can see is travelling along the cold stone we're perched on. All of my attention is focused on the slow movement of it as it slowly lifts from the seat and lands lightly on my coat. Somehow I realize that he's reaching for the place on my hip that Derek grabbed the other day, and I move my arm back slightly so he can shuffle towards me and place his palm there.

He doesn't gaze up into my eyes like I desperately want him too, but I still can't help myself from sliding even closer so our sides are pressed against each other. He doesn't move away, so I lean my head against him, and since he's still much taller than me, my head simply rests on his shoulder.

He sighs loudly, his hand flying from where it rested on me for nowhere near long enough, and squeezes his eyes shut quickly, as if realizing suddenly what just happened. Soon enough his body slides away too, standing up and, with one final glance into my eyes, waltzing away from me.

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