Chapter 3 - May I...?

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Just as the sun's setting, I realize I forgot to buy toothpaste, despite having spent the morning repeating my to-do list. Cursing at myself, I decide to just ask a neighbor if they have any spares, just to keep me going until I next go shopping.

As I'm going down the stairs, I am reminded that the Wilsons are most likely trying to get the kids to sleep right now, and that I probably shouldn't disturb them. Harry is the only other neighbor I've talked to, even if it was one of the worst conversations I can ever remember having with anyone, so I have no choice but to cross the street and make my way over to his front door.

I remind myself not to get put off by his apparent hatred for human company, and hold my breath as I begin knocking on his door. It is opened after just a few knocks by a tremendously huffy Harry, and his face appears to drop even more when he sees it's me. I don't get disheartened, though.

"Hi Harry! It's me, Taylor. I'm sure you remember me."

He honors me with a reply.


I throw him the most endearing smile I can conjure.

"So... I'm really, really sorry to disturb you so late, but I don't have any toothpaste at the moment and I-"

For the second time today, Harry's front door slams closed right in front of me whilst I'm in the middle of a sentence. I squeeze my eyes shut and I count to ten in an effort to stay calm.

I decide that I'm not leaving this house until I get some toothpaste, or at least some decent manners from this cold-hearted man, so I place one hand on my hip and use the other to knock repeatedly on the door, accompanying each knock with an annoying call of his name. After about a minute, it opens, revealing Harry, looking even more irritated than before. I beam at him.

"Harry! You're back! So, about that toothpaste..."

Harry lets out an excessively long, annoyed sigh, and rubs his temples with one hand, before giving me one of the most judgmental looks I've ever been given. Nonetheless, he takes a grudging step to the side and extends an arm into is house, signalling for me to enter. Squealing like a little girl, I run into the beautifully furnished hall, spinning round and taking it all in, an amazed gleam in my eyes.

Instantly, my mouth falls open, a gasp escaping my lips as I try to take in his spacious house. The room I've stepped into seems to be the living room, which is entirely made up of glossy marble, reflecting the glittering, golden lights that line the walls. A varnished wooden staircase takes up a large portion of the room, swerving so it leads up to a huge landing and the second floor, where most of the rooms presumably are.

The staircase and landing are fenced with glistening metal banisters that look as if they trace all the way across to the wall that the door we just entered through stands.

"This is incredible..."

I breathe, only to notice that I'm now standing alone in Harry's living room. Furrowing my eyebrows, I scan the room, searching for where he could've possibly disappeared to in such a short amount of time.

"I agree."

I whip around at the sound of his voice, guessing it must be coming from behind me. Finding that he's standing so close that I can practically feel the air around him vibrate when he speaks, I take a few steps forward before turning around to face him again. I glance down at his hands just to find that he's now holding a glass of what looks like lemonade. I watch as he takes a long sip, pinky pointed, with his eyebrows raised and his striking eyes boring into mine.

After about 10 rather intense seconds, I finally build up the courage to break the silence.

"So...can I borrow some toothpaste then...?"

I remember you're supposed to be polite to your neighbors.


That should do it.

I wait patiently as he removes the glass from his lips before placing it in the hands of a woman who I assume is his housekeeper. She scurries up the stairs as Harry dusts his hands off.

"Stay here."

He grumbles, before shuffling off in the other direction. I clasp my hands together and stand in the centre of the room, waiting patiently whilst also trying to resist the urge to explore his gigantic house while he's distracted.

Eventually, I realize he's going to be a while, and wander off to find something to entertain myself with. Soon enough, I'm on the other side of the room, in front of a door that looks slightly different from the rest. I seem to have a problem with butting my nose in where it's not wanted, but the curiosity bubbling up inside of me is to much, so I reach for the shining door handle, laying my hand on it.

I yank down on the handle, swinging the door open-


Shrieking, I stumble backwards, nearly sending a vase toppling over as Harry races towards me.

"I- I'm sorry- was I not meant to go in there? I-"

"Seriously? Do you have no respect for other people's privacy, Taylor?!"

I step backwards, goosebumps spreading across my skin at the sound of my name being yelled in such a harsh tone. I can't remember the last time anyone was ever so angry with me.

"Yes- yes of course I DO! But it's just a door, I- I thought it would be like a bathroom or a bedroom-"

"Oh, just get out."

The angry glint in his eyes is undeniable as he chucks the tube of toothpaste at me. Somehow, I manage to grasp it, even in my shocked state, as he turns away from me, probably off to yell at some other person he doesn't like.

"I said, GET OUT!"

I scurry out of there like my life depends on it, my heart hammering in my chest as I dive out the door. I whip around, sudden confidence urging me to have the last word.

"I- I'm sorry, but you have to understand-"

The door slams.

I stand, panting heavily, on his doorstep for quite some time, my mind racing with endless questions.

Why on earth did he react like that? Is he really that obsessed with his privacy? What could he be hiding behind that door that he so badly doesn't want anyone to see?!

I finally start walking down the steps to the main road, ignoring the lump slowly rising in my throat. I tell myself over and over again that it's just how he is, and that I shouldn't take it so personally, still hurts to be chucked out of someone's house like that.

Before I can stop myself, I whip around so I face the towering house again. I focus on the room at the very top; the only room with a light on in the entire house.

"Good night."

I call up, and am surprised to hear how dejected and pathetic my voice sounds. Harry will most likely be laughing at how hurt I sound, and I grimace at the thought of it. As if my thoughts were heard, the light switches off, leaving the entire street in pitch blackness.

Gripping the toothpaste tube, I turn around, crossing the empty street as fast as I can and racing straight up to my bedroom.

* * *

Never - A Haylor Fanfic [discontinued]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن