Chapter 9 - I'm SUCH a gossip!

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Glad to escape the empty street Jason left me standing on, I jog over to Harry, a prominent smile on my face.


I say, relieved that he's let go of the drama that went down in my kitchen the other day.

Unintentionally, my gaze drifts to his chest, my mouth falling open slightly at the fact that I can see every one of the intricate tattoos that line it, this due to the fact that he seems to have given up on his three-buttons-done-up trend, and now has his shirt simply gaping open. A black, shoulder-padded blazer rests perfectly on top of it, clearly showing that he has decent money. To top it off, a black rimmed hat sits neatly on his dark hair, and an expensive pair of brown sunglasses rest on his nose.


"Oh, sorry, what?"

"I asked if you're okay."

My face flushes for no reason whatsoever and I curse myself for taking so long to answer, this obviously making it look like I'm not.

"Oh, yeah, yeah, I'm fine."

"Who was that guy you were talking to?"

"Jason. From next door-"

"-why was he so angry?

He knows exactly how to catch me off guard, doesn't he?

"He, he didn't storm off, he- wait, he looked mad?"

Unable to help it, I slump visibly, gnawing at my lip in renewed regret after hearing this new information.

"Well, yeah."

Harry takes his hand off of the top of his car, and instead folds his arms across his chest.

"What happened?"

He asks, not catching on to the tension put forward by his last question.

"You know, I don't actually have to tell you anything about my personal life, especially when you can't even tell me what you do for a living."

I reply rather defensively.

"Oh, come on."

He taunts nudging me with his elbow. I press my lips together in an effort to hold back a smile.

"If I tell you what I do, then do I get an answer? Hmm? Come on, I'm such a gossip."

An obnoxious laugh overtakes me at the last sentence, which was said with the worst American accent I have ever heard.

"Okay then, Harry. But, don't you, like, have somewhere to be?"

I gesture at the open car door beside us.

"Oh, right, yeah, of course. Later then?"

I nod, rubbing my arm awkwardly as he slides into his car.

"Ok, uh, bye then."

Waving half-heartedly, I make my way back across the street. Wait, did we just schedule a date?! Instantly, I push this ridiculous thought out of my mind and instead focus on crossing the street cautiously.

I probably look rather dejected to any other neighbors who may be looking out of their windows at me, and to be honest, I know I shouldn't be acting so beaten-down. I mean, I was the one who ended things with Jason. And just like I predicted, I already feel so bad; it's like he didn't even do anything yet I felt compelled to end things before they'd even started. And I'm also the one who can't seem to leave Harry alone, and we all know how developing feelings towards someone ain't cold ends...

"Hey, Taylor!"

Rob's sudden cheery voice sends me stumbling slightly on the rough pavement.

"Oh dear, be careful there, darlin'!"

He chuckles loudly. I smile lightly before watching as he clasps Benny's small hand, trying to help him stay upright as he makes his first attempts at riding a bike.


He lowers his voice as he gets a bit closer, almost whispering so that Benny doesn't catch on.

"You weren't...talkin' to that boy from opposite, were you? Cuz, you know he isn't the nicest man in the world."

I raise my eyebrows in surprise at Rob's grumbly tone.

"Oh, no, no, I was just- y'know, being friendly! Getting to know the neighbors!"

I finish with a nervous chuckle.

"Well, alrighty then, Taylor!"

His usual jolly tone is back, and I smile forcefully as he yells a farewell before dragging Benny further down the street. I sigh heavily, watching him look both ways three times before he starts to cross the street with his son close behind.

Just at that moment, Harry's car, which I hadn't realized was still parked, pulls out of his driveway. I clasp a hand over my mouth as he comes within an inch of Rob and Benny's cowering figures. He doesn't stop driving for a second, even when a few rather nasty words leave Rob's mouth in is direction, and simply cruises past them. I can almost see the satisfied smirk on his face even through his tinted windows as the car disappears round the corner.

I blush involuntarily at the image of his face in my mind. Trying to push the feeling away, I leave the street, where Rob is now kneeling beside Benny, most likely making him promise not to tell his mother about the words he just heard, and finally enter my own house.

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Never - A Haylor Fanfic [discontinued]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora