Chapter 5 - Brunch & baking:)

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Jason agrees enthusiastically to my offer, so I lead him into my house. As soon as we walk in, we can hear the echoes of Joey crying from the living room. I sigh and turn to Jason.

"That'll be because of my friend, Harry. He's not the best with kids."

Jason assures me it's alright, then pauses suddenly with a strange look on his face.

"Harry? You mean the guy who lives in that ginormous house opposite?"

I nod, wondering where he's going with this.

"My parents told me they've only ever seen him once. I dunno, but he seems kinda sketchy to me."

His voice becomes a hesitant whisper for his last statement.

"Well, I will say that he's not always the best company, but he means well. I think I'm just about the only person on the street who's ever heard his voice."

Jason seems dubious, but all worries seem to be lifted right out of him when we walk into the living room and Benny and Kelly start squealing his name and attacking him with hugs. I watch, smiling uncontrollably, as he crouches down and squeezes them both in his arms. When I glance up, I see that Harry is walking out the door.

"Harry, wait!"

I call. Without even turning to face me, he calls back,

"I'll be going now. You've got all the help you need."

And with that, he stomps out the door, leaving me wondering what's caused all this sudden hostility, when a minute ago I thought he was finally warming up to me.

I sigh in annoyance before turning my attention back to Jason and the kids. Within the space of a minute, he's managed to lure Joey into a deep sleep, and has dragged Benny and Kelly back over to another cardboard box, and they now squeal happily in a corner.

Grinning, I collapse onto the couch, still watching Jason's vibrant blonde hair flicking around as he scurries across the room with his siblings out of the corner of my eye. Soon enough, the two young kids wear him out, and he takes no shame in plopping down next to me.

"Phew, I forgot just how much energy they have!"

He finishes with a boisterous chuckle. His dark eyes meet mine for a second, and a warm feeling washes over me as his gaze shifts from my eyes to my lips and back up again. Face rosy, I turn away and stand up, grabbing my purse from the table and heading for the door.

"Sorry, I've just got to fix something real quick, you'll be okay with the kids for a bit?"

"Yeah, yes of course, don't worry about us!"

He stands up to follow me, lingering just behind me as I slip on my keds.

"Thanks a bunch! I won't be a minute!"

I reach for the door, but before I can get any further, I feel him grip my arm.

"Wait, Tay - I can call you that, right -"

I hardly get a chance to nod.

"Could I take you out some time? Like, maybe brunch tomorrow at the Blue Sky Cafe?"

Slightly taken aback by his abruptness, I let a moment of silence swallow us.

"Look, look, I totally get if you don't want to, or if you actually have a boyfriend or something - I really shoulda asked about that first-"

"-no, no, I don't have a boyfriend."

I say, folding my arms across my chest. He waves his hands frantically as he speaks again.

"Well, I only ask because I saw the way you looked at that Harry guy, and I totally get it if there's something between you two, although that's a little strange since he-"

"-WHAT?! I - I never looked at Harry. Hey, I'd love to go out with you. Brunch tomorrow sounds great. Why don't you pick me up at 11?"

Instantly, Jason delightedly agrees, so I slowly close the door and separate us once more, before hurriedly galloping down my porch steps. I cross the street, finding myself staring at Harry's daunting front door once again. Sighing, I ring his doorbell, waiting for it to open. Unsurprisingly, it doesn't.


I yell up in the general direction of the window which I now know belongs to his bedroom.

"HARRY! Why did you leave?"

I see a curtain twitch upstairs.

"Harry?! Wait a minute..."

I grin ecstatically.

"Is someone a little jealous?"

As soon as the last word escapes my lips, I hear the satisfying click of Harry's door unlocking. Behind it stands a disgruntled Harry.

"I. Was not. Jealous. What the hell are you talking about."

I giggle at the stern frown on his lips.

"Aww- you so were!"

"Was NOT."


"Look, I don't know what the HELL you're talking about so if you wouldn't mind-"

"-Oh, you know I wouldn't mind, Harry."

I reply in my most seductive voice, stepping closer to him and smiling before bursting into another fit of giggles, clutching my stomach as I howl. I swear I see his face flush before he comes up with another witty comeback. He clears his throat.

"Is there anything ELSE I can help you with or did you just come here to falsely accuse me of things?"

"Oh, actually, I was going to bake a -uh- a batch of cookies - a new recipe actually -um -later today and I was wondering if you'd-"

I make up on the spot. He stays leaning against the door, unblinking.

"-you'd wanna come over and help- help me- uh..."

Our eye-contact doesn't break as I trail off.

"Uh- y'know, never mind, I'll just- um, just...bye-"

I swing around scurrying back down his porch steps.


I slow down, feeling the goosebumps rippling across my body as his soft voice calls my name.

"-maybe I will...come over later, I mean, I, I'll just check my schedule and...then, I' right over."

I face him again, and at that moment, his mouth breaks into a small smile, his dazzling eyes glinting and his brow softening slightly as my breath catches in my throat. I can't help the cheesy grin that spreads across my face at that.

"Wait a second... is the Harry Styles suddenly warming up to me?"

I taunt, the delight clear in my voice. All I receive is a deep chuckle, before he shuts the door. Ecstatic, I race back over the street, head spinning, and up the steps.

* * *

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