Chapter 4***

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Chapter 4:

Felix's P.O.V

Andy, Jake and I trashed the school, it was so funny. In actuality, we trashed the gym but close enough. I thought that finding out we really didn't exist would be pretty crap, it wasn't actually that bad. I guess Blake was right. And because we don't actually exist, we don't have to follow the rules anymore. Yet now we have our own rules, and one of them was finding food to eat. I sighed because I was put on food duty with Mega Nerd.

This lead to the wonderful moment when Andy and I had to find money, I picked twenty cents up off of the ground so Andy got to use the pay phone and order food from his family's restaurant I asked him to get some lemon chicken since that was my favourite, but I think because it was Andy's family, that he got to pick everything that everyone else would eat too, that pissed me off a little.

Basically, he called himself a 'Ninja' because we successfully stole the food from a Chinese home delivery bike— but it worked and Andy wasn't actually so bad he was just being really snooty.

The trek home for me and Andy took a while because the boys and I were in a rundown cabin, out in the woods. It was where we were staying, it was all fine, I guess if you call the run down shack fine.

Once the two of us had arrived home, Jake, Andy and I sat in the shack, eating the food we ordered, well tried to eat. I took out my snake bites which I've had ever since Oscar's accident, and I ate a pepper, from here I made sure not to let Andy order anything that has peppers in it, so I ran out to the tap drinking some of the water when I noticed Sam and we had a bit of a 'heart-to-heart'. It was okay, till a storm came upon us, but this was no ordinary storm.

This storm literally locked Sam and me outside; while Andy and Jake were locked in. We were all trying to get the door open but it wasn't budging, I suddenly felt a pain in my head, chest and stomach, I turned around to see a hooded being standing next to the tree a bit away, it was dressed all in black, I turned to Sam,

"Sam, look," I caught his attention and we both turned back to the tree, but whatever was there was gone now, and that made everything even scarier, and dangerous, for all of us. What the hell is going on here?!

Blake's P.O.V

Man my head hurts, actually, all of me hurts, what happened? I remember saying goodbye to Felix and coming to see Phoebe, then someone showed up and then— I can't remember anything more than that. I opened my eyes to see a room that I was all too familiar with, Phoebe's back room of her shop; this was where we used to train me with my glitching. This room held so many memories, she still even had the shrine to Alice, wow, and she really must have loved her to be trying so hard to get her back. I sat up, my head spinning.

I couldn't stop it, they just came at me. I tried to scream but I didn't have the energy. Words started to run through my head, screaming at me, it gave me the power to scream.

"PHOEBE!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Moments later she came running in from the shop, her face full of worry, she came over to me at a fast pace, dropping to her knees next to me.

"Blake, what's wrong?" her eyes widening in fear that something was really wrong,


Phoebe's P.O.V

"It stopped— all— gone— now. Silence— has— fallen— all— gone— now." she kept saying that on repeat, while her glitch, shattered on the spot, by shattered, I mean her glitch went into overdrive and took over causing her to move on the spot but not move at all. There wasn't a witch that had the power to glitch, only demons, or halfas. Halfas are cross breeds, between demons and witches; they are extremely rare and almost never survive the transition. The transition is where her body will become the demon side, and she has to fill a quota if the quota isn't finished by the end of the time period, the halfa dies.

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